You can jailbreak it and own it also
You can jailbreak it and own it also
So cute :)
I am the one asking, you are the one not replying but becoming angry doing personal attacks. Do you think you can just decide? Instead of whining, show me where the fuck I can read that there is more evidence of free will than against???
Well, I googled exactly that and as I knew, it doesn’t say what you propose. Can you explain what the fuck you mean? Free will has no evidence nor does no free will. It’s a philosophical question and science can only confirm that we make choices. Your hostile arguments are so hard to interpret. What do you mean. No, there is not more evidence that we do. What evidence? Why is it so easy to find and basic to you that you become angry, yet it turns out you made it up? Can you elaborate?
I know what it means, I just don’t understand what you are referring to? Who has anthropomorphised it?
Who has done that?
It’s OK not to be mature, you don’t have to be mad. Your argument is that you don’t have to provide proof that free will has been solved because it is easy to Google it.
Hahaha yeah the philosophy of free will is solved and you can just Google it
That’s not a mature argument
To imitate or fit the training data. It’s useful.
That’s the point
I did it. Stopped being a hobby because after work you will be tired of it, it’s not healthy to code more. All you are doing is giving up what you code for money, and that’s sweet, but eventually it is eroding to be told how and what to code which kills the fun, especially if you adhere to efficiency frameworks and work really hard
Stop hitting yourself!
Hahaha it’s so nice to read why? And it’s because of crime. Huh? I ask why ban these. They say again crime. I go ah like guns then. Like you ban the engines of death not used in hunting ever but used to mow down kids in schools at an alarming rate? No? Ah. What do you mean then? Oh. You are saying there’s legitimate use for an extended mag uzi that says kill kids on the side. But not something that can emit fm waves or whatever. Not the tech we use for literally all kind of wireless communications. Because why again? Because only the people that work with these things should have them? Oh so you mean the police and military should have assault rifles… Oh. No okay the child slaying stays, the electromagnetic hacker devices are satanic. Got it. Yeah I’ll get right on that.
If you value it as a hobby, don’t make it that again :)
I don’t understand why you compare it to vs code, it’s not a text editor and besides, it has vim too?
No, they literally make a choice to make it about being gay and I honestly don’t think that many people even thought about that aspect. I don’t even know that they aren’t gay for all I know, I don’t care.
You needlessly choose to take offence. It shows who is sub and who dom. It doesn’t matter, except to you it seems, what sex they have
Literally just one billionaire could end world hunger. It’s such an easy way to go to history forever as a good guy. But they all become corrupt in the soul as soon as they have more than they can use. It’s a systematic problem and the problem is the demonic capitalist entities known as the megacorps