So you don’t have to whack a car window hard with the spark plug? You only need to scratch at it a lil bit?
So you don’t have to whack a car window hard with the spark plug? You only need to scratch at it a lil bit?
Funny how being an unpaid extra is a totally different experience. It was a giant party. I was in the crowd at the Steelers stadium when Bane blew up the field in Dark Knight Rises. We had to crouch down behind seats and look terrified. We couldn’t fucking understand anything of what Bane was saying, but assumed it would be fixed in post. Haha, no it wasn’t.
We had swag bags. They brought out 3 Tumblers to amuse us. Most Steelers players were there, Tom Hardy ofc (who didn’t even look like himself he was so jacked for that role). We got to hear what it sounds like when that 1 of 4 in existence IMAX camera broke. They fed us lots of Popsicles because it was 90-something degrees in July and they were filming a winter scene and wanted us to be wearing cold weather gear. It was a fun day. 10/10 worth the drive up from DC to go do that.
I need to go right now and wash the few quills I received from a porcupine zoo experience. They keep quills that are shed and hand a few out to folks. Poop acupuncture, omg. Since you appear to have survived, your poop antibodies must be off the charts now. 😅
Somebody shoulda told him the quickest way to torpedo your music career is to be rude to Weird Al.
What is your favorite pizza topping?
Christmas ornament
I repeat the last song.
Or anything from an obscure screamo band.
That’s a sing-along song in our local bar, lol!
Yeah, I don’t religiously follow the steps either. It’s more like a buffet of tips where I sample some of them. I still shampoo, but much less often. My other take aways were to stop using a hairbrush, I rarely use a wide tooth comb anymore either (mostly finger comb in the shower) , and don’t touch the hair while it’s drying.
If I have a party or something, I’ll use gel and let it form a proper cast, etc etc.
For curly hair types, shampoo shouldn’t really be used. Conditioner is used to “wash” the scalp and hair (thus, “co-wash”), rinse it out, and then condition again, leaving it in while you wash the rest of you with soap, and then rinse it all off at the end.
Anyone with curly hair who is wanting to follow the Curly Girl method of caring for your curls so they maintain their shape better.
Although I don’t much like the term either. But the method does really work.
What do you like to do in your free time? That will help give us an idea of where to recommend based on what is available to do & is still in reasonable driving distance for you.
Like history? Consider Gettysburg, Manassas, Fredericksburg, Yorktown, or Williamsburg.
Like wine? There are dog-friendly vineyards, breweries, and distilleries all up and down Virginia’s wine country. Look into Leesburg or Charlottesville as a central base.
Annapolis, MD and Alexandria, VA are both very dog friendly and have adorable “old town” sections with delicious food and shops. These towns are also great if you like photography.
But if you have a portable hobby like painting or reading or even gaming on a console, a little island all to yourselves for a week where the dog runs free and you entertain yourself with your hobby sounds like heaven.
At least fish probably can’t choke by trying to breathe and drink at the same time.
Now everyone in the mechanic’s waiting room is wondering why I just snorted. Thanks… 😂💀
That one time in a restaurant when I face planted in my hotdog, fast asleep
Just about an hour ago, I couldn’t find my sunglasses. I was waiting in the car to pick up my nephew. I had worn my sunglasses in order to drive there. But after he got in the car and I went to back out of my parking space, I couldn’t find my glasses. They weren’t on my head or in a cupholder. I just had them, where did they go? I haven’t left the car; I think they must have fallen under the seat. Nephew says nothing. So I reach for my backup sunglasses I keep in the little holder above the rear view mirror. Drive nephew home, continue on my way home. Parked in a shady spot by my garage, & I went to take my sunglasses off so I could see better. I tried to hook them on my shirt collar. And that’s where my first pair was.
Some kind of empathizing response followed by “well, I need to get back to it” or just a simple “sorry for cutting this short, I need a bio break”.
Empathizing statements could include, but are not limited to:
Then you’d be a lot warmer and a lot happier!