Okay, I mean you haven’t really respected my rights to be “called a chick” in this conversation but I’m glad you’re willing to respect my right to be identified with whatever terminology I feel best describes me.
What I’m saying I am is a woman, a transgender one who was assigned male at birth and transitioned as a young adult. I’m not claiming to be anything else.
We’re not going to see eye to eye because you won’t consider my perspective. You’ve already decided that you’re right and that I’m wrong before the conversation even starts. You’re not open to the idea that maybe you aren’t right about this. I’d ask you to consider that. Just open yourself to that one thing, that one possibility that maybe you’re wrong about this. Consider that maybe you haven’t thought of every possible challenge to your view of gender. I am absolutely willing to consider your perspective, and I feel I more than have throughout this conversation. Afford me the same dignity and treat my ideas as legitimate points worth considering. If you’re definitely right and I’m definitely wrong, then considering my arguments shouldn’t matter, right? Because if I’m wrong anyway, then my arguments shouldn’t change that.
I don’t think you’re really a bad person. You said some shock value troll comments at the start of all this but then actually spent like 2 hours of your time talking with me. The good thing to do, the morally right thing to do, when faced with information that challenges our worldview, is to consider whether we are right or not.