Who tf says we’re not mad? We’re fucking furious.
Who tf says we’re not mad? We’re fucking furious.
Well no. As others have said the force in the pole will travel at the speed of sound.
Though if you were to wiggle the flashlight back and forth really fast the spotlight on the moon would travel “faster” than the speed of light.
I am not a fan of the narrative that Americans are too lazy to take jobs that are being worked by immigrants. It’s just not true. Americans won’t take these jobs because these jobs aren’t going to pay what Americans demand. Not because they’re lazy. These immigrants are being taken advantage of and are being paid way less than they deserve simply because they’re illegal immigrants. Them being deported isn’t going to suddenly make these jobs higher paying positions. The problem is with corporations. Not with immigrants nor with American citizens (well except the fucked up americans that voted for trump).
Um. This is just flatly not true. For starters, according to the Chinese government themselves only 23 military personel died. And those casualties only occurred AFTER the peoples liberation army started using live rounds against protesters the evening of June the 3rd 1989. And the 300 number is very conservative. The actual number is likely in the thousands.
You very clearly are either a troll just making things up or you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about
I think the best parallel that could be drawn would be the [Kent State Shootings.] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings) given the similarities between the Kent state students’ goals and the Tiananmen students’ goals.
Though even then there were only four fatalities. No where near Tiananmen. Plus the US government isn’t doing anything to try to hide the murders either.
Are you seriously comparing the Tiananmen square massacre where at least 300 peaceful protesters/students were killed by the Chinese military to the Jan 6 riots where there were only two people killed? (Technically there were 5 deaths but three of them were either overdoses or natural causes). One was a cop killed by the rioters and another was a lady warned several times that she was going to be shot if she continued to break into the capital building.
These are not even remotely similar situations.
Like, isn’t that an admission that your business has no value?
Have any other inaugurations been held inside for the same reason? They’re always in January. I can’t imagine this is the first time it’s been cold outside during one of these.
Edit: looked it up. Reagan’s second inauguration was held indoors due to cold. Hes the only president with an indoor inauguration since they were moved to January in 1933. It was 7°F. That seems somehow ironic.
Tootie fruities are just flat out better tha Froot Loops. Fight me.
Why in the world do we even need apps for this stuff? There is no reason to give your data to these companies at all.
Here’s a crazy thought: get a journal. And write in it.
This process is akin to how humans learn by reading widely and absorbing styles and techniques, rather than memorizing and reproducing exact passages.
Machine learning algorithms are not people and are not ingesting these works the same way a person does. This argument is brought up all the time and just doesn’t ring true. You’re defending the unethical use of copyrighted works by a giant corporation with a metaphor that doesn’t have any bearing on reality; in an age where artists are already shamefully undervalued. Creating art is a human process with the express intent of it being enjoyed by other humans. Having an algorithm do it is removing the most important part of art; the humanity.
In my experience running non-steam games through steam with proton is the best way to play those games too. The only time I’ve ever had to use lutris was when I had to install some DLC for a GOG application on the same prefix as the game because it had a separate exe installer for that DLC. I haven’t been able to figure out a way to do that through steam. But once I got that done I just ran the game through steam and it worked perfectly. The heroic games launcher gets suggested a lot too but I literally have never been able to get it to work for a single game.