Or just buy a printer that is not by HP?
Or just buy a printer that is not by HP?
On a screen on my desk or on a laptop in my bed. I might move one of the screens to the bedroom at some point and connect my laptop there.
After seeing the edits, it seems we have wildly different use cases/priorities. I’ll check the blog too, it seems interesting, thanks.
Typography and page layout was once a thing. It was considered kind of an art form even.
Honestly I’d love to see that because it feels pretty rare right now.
About half of those issues are solved by drm-free ebooks (or piracy). True, a phone comes with extra work (charging, updating, upgrading every few years) so if you’re not already maintaining one you obviously won’t do it just to read books.
The rest is up to use case. I do need to look up words a lot (usually in other languages) and a bus stop after dark will never have enough light for reading. If you read at home I guess these aren’t issues, but pocket books are meant to be read on the road.
About the formatting there are some books which should absolutely not be read as ebooks cause you’ll miss out on things. But most books are a block of text split in chapters and paragraphs. A phone can absolutely support that.
Anyway, it’s mostly up to use case and preference as you say.
I’d argue phones are actually better pocket books. Assuming looking at a screen does not bother you:
Requiring a battery is a downside but most reading apps consume very little power compared to other apps.
On a similar note, action cameras, which can be even more portable than a smartphone.
I usually reply with a variation of this image
Maybe the Disney/Pixar stories that are not based on Grimm’s tales? Do we still tell fairy tales to children though? The only ones I remember from my childhood are Aesop’s Fables told by my grandma, which are even older.
Sadly turns out they’ve been banned here. Something about them causing stomach issues even though I couldn’t find anything about it.
You can definitely get used to it but THAT fast? I’ve been slowly eating more and more spicy the past year going from Sriracha to ghost pepper. But it’s addictive, I put something spicy in almost every meal now. If you like chili see if you can find a shop selling Mexican snacks and salsas. If you’re in eastern Europe another alternative is Hungarian paprika which is a different flavor but can get very hot too.
And it seems my local imports store also sells these chili strips so now I gotta try them.
We were in late high school, it’s not like we had no responsibilities. Pretty much every year after that has been better than middle/high school for me.
You should be enjoying the school years cause they’ll be the best of your life. Said by someone who very obviously peaked in high school.
Which makes this an issue since no one will go read the whole list of laws
This has the unintended consequence of people not knowing about the law if it goes unenforced for a long time.
There were more posts like this: the weird hotel room one, the artshare of OP father’s feet. I’m hesitant to put them in the same category as this because they looked like normal posts but again they seem to be deleted (or at least I can’t find them now).
I think this is the third or fourth I’ve seen this week. And when searching for them later they’re gone.
Has anyone else noticed a spike in posts about abusive fathers by new accounts lately that then get deleted? Especially here but in other communities as well. I’m not saying this specific post isn’t real but it’s getting a bit weird.
That would be amazing timing, this use case came up a few days ago. I’ll check if there is an update, thanks for the info
Sorry for hijacking this, I have a similar issue. When you say similar to outlook, is there a way to see shared (group?) calendars in teams like in outlook? I feel very stupid for not finding this.
I agree but hey at least you can inspect the script before running it, in contrast to every binary installer you’re called to download.