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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • About half of those issues are solved by drm-free ebooks (or piracy). True, a phone comes with extra work (charging, updating, upgrading every few years) so if you’re not already maintaining one you obviously won’t do it just to read books.

    The rest is up to use case. I do need to look up words a lot (usually in other languages) and a bus stop after dark will never have enough light for reading. If you read at home I guess these aren’t issues, but pocket books are meant to be read on the road.

    About the formatting there are some books which should absolutely not be read as ebooks cause you’ll miss out on things. But most books are a block of text split in chapters and paragraphs. A phone can absolutely support that.

    Anyway, it’s mostly up to use case and preference as you say.

  • I’d argue phones are actually better pocket books. Assuming looking at a screen does not bother you:

    • it’s much more compact, can be held in one hand and you can carry multiple 800 page books. I’ve never actually seen a pocket book that can fit in a pocket.
    • you can adjust font, text size and brightness (some font choices in printed books are just terrible)
    • does not need an external light source
    • you can quickly look up words and take notes without needing external items

    Requiring a battery is a downside but most reading apps consume very little power compared to other apps.

  • You can definitely get used to it but THAT fast? I’ve been slowly eating more and more spicy the past year going from Sriracha to ghost pepper. But it’s addictive, I put something spicy in almost every meal now. If you like chili see if you can find a shop selling Mexican snacks and salsas. If you’re in eastern Europe another alternative is Hungarian paprika which is a different flavor but can get very hot too.

    And it seems my local imports store also sells these chili strips so now I gotta try them.