That’s fair. I’d say it’s easier on the GM, but asks more of the other players
That’s fair. I’d say it’s easier on the GM, but asks more of the other players
Fair. I try to take that approach, too, but I still don’t like the cognitive dissonance of knowing someone I respect as an artist is a piece of shit. I can ignore it a bit if they evolved into an asshole over time (like I can still listen to early Kanye, barely), but I still don’t like it and it colors my appreciation of their work.
Isn’t Killer Mike one of those “black capitalism can save us” type guys anyway? Because that kind of tracks with him.
Maybe? I don’t know much about his personality or politics, but I would have said a lot of RTJ songs are fairly strongly anti-capitalist (“Ju$t,” “Report to Shareholders,” etc.). But maybe that’s just me projecting my own anti-capitalist beliefs on their lyrics.
Honestly at this point that’s how I feel about most artists in general.
Yeah, as my politics get more progressive/radical, it’s gotten to the point where I either have to listen to stuff that’s almost explicitly apolitical (mostly stoner/doom metal songs about death in battle, wizards, and weed work pretty well) or else I actively avoid reading about the artists so I can pretend they’re more progressive than they are.
I think if you get the video from Duck Duck Go, you can copy the link without the tracker. Plus, I think Firefox gives you option to “copy link without site tracking” from most search results
I was just thinking about this last weekend when I heard a Run The Jewels beat on a TurboTax ad during an NFL game.
Pathfinder 2 is sooo much better than DnD, especially if you want to GM any official campaigns/modules/one-shots. Paizo’s writing on their adventure paths make it so easy to just jump in and run a game or pilfer encounters and piecemeal a homebrew campaign
Plus, the character creation, ancestries, and classes are so flexible that you can play almost anything you can imagine without having to homebrew anything. You want play as the Rat King from The Nutcracker? Sure. A goblin sapper from Warcraft 2? Easy-peasy. You want to play as C-3PO? No problem. Christ, you can play as the fucking Velveteen Rabbit if you want.
Sierra Nevadas resident: glares with envy at your measly couple inches of snow
Man, fuck that joker. 😭