This is the guide I used, it’s pretty automatic with ansible.
An entire meme instance with no users attatched to it with multiple specific meme communities
I created just for just one community, it could be more if there were demand for dull content or another dull community wanted to come over, but I don’t have any plans to make it some big thing.
Employers can’t discriminate against people for being 40+ for housing it’s 55+ they can legally say you’re too young to work or live somewhere
According to u.s. law, age discrimination kicks in at 40. If you’re under 40 they can say you’re too young.
Our cat slides hair ties or socks under the bathroom door so that you can play with her.
I created an instance for one specific community so that users won’t be affected by who federates from who (unless you’re a spam instance or something like that)
I used all my free screenshots for the month, I don’t have Windows+
I just created ! but not taking signups so you have to use an account from a federated instance.
I’m not doing any users or subscribing to any communities, just hosting a community. Should be pretty chill.
DO lowest tier i’m on is 20gb, but hetzner is slightly cheaper with more ram and 40gb.
Attempting to get my lemmy instance going properly. Got it running on digital ocean but they don’t allow outgoing email and reccomend a third party service. I decided to try out Hetzner and am getting errors saying that docker compose isn’t installed when running the ansible script.
I’m mechanically inclined, worked on cars profesionally for a few years, been in manufacturing for over ten years now. I can research enough to get around a linux terminal, but I learned compuers on apple IIe and commodore 64.
Good people are allowed to get annoyed when there’s a ton of people complaining about non issues. From what I’ve heard Mastodon users are somewhat insufferable.
Come on over to !
If you have access to Kanopy they have a few of his films available.