Isn’t that a warcrime!?
Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
Isn’t that a warcrime!?
Man, when I was in high school, smartphones were getting big, but the school always tried to crack down on their very existence in school grounds (much less usage).
Got my first cell in the 8th grade. Never been fond of the things.
For those interested, Snopes covered this very pic. It’s mostly correct, but muddles some details.
In the original, the despairing ending was finding the remains of human civilization, which had destroyed itself.
In the 2001 version, it bizarrely ends with the main character returning to Earth, only to find that he’d changed the past or something and apes ruled in the modern day, complete with a statue of Ape Abe Lincoln.
I suppose the image, with the T-Rex surrounded by puzzled humans, felt more like the latter than the former to me.
Forget it, Jake. It’s .ml.
If you legit don’t want to argue, just disengage. No one owes you silence.
I think this one might legit be a YDI, or close to it.
You’re talking to one, and no, the Democrats have backstabbed us at every opportunity. Especially at trans issues, which they love to capitulate on as a bargaining chip for getting their capitalist donors more money.
Would you like to remind me about the state of LGBT rights in this country in 2024 compared to 1990?
Soaking in fascist circles seems to sap your connection to reality.
If you walk outside and throw a brick in the face of a cop, you can talk to me about what it means to be a bootlicker.
lmao, you ushered in fascism, bro, and you’re sitting here justifying it besides. Saying “You aren’t attacking enough cops!” to others isn’t going to cure you of your bootlicking position.
You advocate for action based upon a spook?
Jesus fucking Christ.
Sorry, that makes you a moralist. You decided that “maximizing utility” was the moral choice, and that again makes you a moralist.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Can’t believe our only hope for mitigation of the damage is that the administration is so incompetent that they trick over their own dicks in the process of trying all of their horrors.
It’s not going to be pretty either way.
Hey, cool, you have ADHD too? We can go to RFK’s concentration camps together. I’m sure our Healing Through Labor™ will be successful.
Call me a Nazi all you like, it doesn’t make me a Nazi.
No? You just welcomed in fascism because it pleased your prejudices and preconceptions. Sounds pretty indistinguishable from most Nazis to me.
In fact, you moralists should take that log out of your eye and actually look at the world your status-quoism has generated
“Wow, the world is bad. We should make it worse.”
Brilliant plan. Millions of LGBT Americans and tens of millions of Ukrainians thank you for your ardent support of fascists taking power. I’m sure those dying for lack of supplies from USAID are thrilled as well, as well as poor Americans who can’t afford the massive increases in costs of living and are already living paycheck-to-paycheck, and the crackdown on unions.
What a brave leftist world you’ve helped create. Maybe if you lick fascist boots a little more, it’ll become even better.
I also find it amusing that I’m getting called a ‘moralist’ because I advocated the utilitarian option. What fucking insanity.
You clearly don’t understand leftist thought.
No, I absolutely do. They preferred the fascist to working with the dreaded ‘shitlibs’, just like Thalmann.
Nazi punks fuck off.
Where is our Freedom Phantom
Why can we convince the Dem Party but not the electorate?
People who make and post memes like this seem to think that the people complaining about conservative Democrats and pointing out problems in the party are not voting for Democrats. I think they largely wrong about that. We are voting for all Democrats all the time, but warning you that your messaging sucks and you are not going to get the turnout you need. It is not our fault we were correct.
This is true in the general population, but I just feel the need to point out that folks who explicitly weren’t voting for Dems, as well as folks who were indistinguishable from MAGA talking points, were very prominent on Lemmy, which is part of the reason why you see a lot of this soreness still.
Oh yeah, make no mistake, the Dems are fucked.
It’s just that in '24 we had an option between “continue having a flawed democracy” and “put a literal fascist in power”, and a lot of us are still sore over folks who insisted that choosing the latter was some form of leftism. They weren’t a major force in the general electorate, but here on Lemmy, they were certainly loud, so a lot of bad feeling remains.
Caesar slander! He was assassinated by conservatives for not sufficiently fellating the interests of the ultra-wealthy.
Yea, it’s like going to a christian household for dinner and eating before grace. They don’t expect you to participate in the prayer but the least you can do is not start eating before they’re ready in their own home
Again, as stated in the meme, all of this happened on an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT INSTANCE, and Blahaj felt the need to intervene.
Sure it’s a little weird to sit their with a bowed head while they leave their magic diety a voicemail but it’s not harmful and they aren’t asking you to convert in order to eat supper.
They drove someone off for daring to have Wrongthink. Kind of sounds like they are asking to convert to eat supper - even at another table.
Blahaj has Blahaj rules - don’t like them, then don’t comment and/or visit.
This meme is explicitly referencing an incident that happened entirely off of Blahaj in which Blahaj stans harassed a trans user into leaving the Fediverse.
Sadly, the feature doesn’t block users, who are the ones who were causing the trouble. So far as I know, the block function only blocks communities/subs. Furthermore, the Blahaj defenders largely were not using their Blahaj accounts. Most people on the Fediverse have one or more alts.
I was sad for like the first 6, in a “Dammit, you poor little bastards, you didn’t have to die, you just couldn’t live here.”
After that? I rejoiced when I’d hear a mousetrap snap shut.
There’s only so much skittering in the ceilings a sleep-deprived man can take before murderous rage replaces animal empathy. I thought we’d rid ourselves of all of them three times now. Each time, a few months past and the fucks are at it again. The landlord has tried an exterminator - though I use the term lightly, as all he did was put down some poison bait. Not sure if it worked.
It seems to be a local problem, though. Just the other day I found dead mice on the sidewalk several streets away, too far to be our’s. C’est la vie.
“I’m only trying to be critical” is also a canard of chuds who want to pretend that there are ‘two sides’ to settled or unambiguous issues, like climate change, or genocide.