True as well, impossible to find a note on Joplin using only the filesystem.
True as well, impossible to find a note on Joplin using only the filesystem.
Beware of Joplin: saved files ate not native MD files. They have MD extension but internally are quite different.
Still plain text files in a way, but not usable with a different editor easily.
My solution is on web, syncthing + native markdown editor (Markor on Android). - yes sincthing is still very well alive on android, there is at least one android client still actively developed AFAIK.
Because Joplin is (IMHO) slow and does not store notes in plain markdown but its own format, even if it’s called .MD, it’s not markdown.
Also, is really something unique, worth trying even if a bit more nerdy.
Wtf are STL?