Nah you fuck off. Drawing your line for acceptability one step away from yourself and being a belittling little bigot to people outside your sensibility.
Nah you fuck off. Drawing your line for acceptability one step away from yourself and being a belittling little bigot to people outside your sensibility.
You seem like the kinda guy who says calling Nazis Nazis devalues the word Nazi.
Boy you sure are pissed you got blocked before getting to say a slur.
Brother in Christ, imagine you had a sub where you talk about basketball and people constantly came in, not fans of basketball just saying “man, basketball? I don’t get it” but they are just using that to argue how basketball shouldn’t exist if you dare engage with that.
You’d ban those posts. Because you want your sub to be about basketball for basketball fans. Not because you want to argue with non fans about the validity of the existence of basketball.
Hope that answer was straight and masculine enough for ya.
It is when the only reason your spreading is because the conversation is currently focused on America and it’s actions.
It’s a deflection.
A good point? What’s the point except to downplay Americans use of Nazi party members? Aint nothing “good” about it.
And just like how the dismantlement of mercantilism in favor of capitalism did the world a lot of good, it also had an insane number of flaws that make it very stupid long term.
It is time for the dismantlement of capitalism in favor of socialism
I don’t know, I think he’s currently beefing with some other person and made a “I am not associated with that guy” check as part of the login process. But I don’t remember fully.
Owned by WordPress. Was purchased for the sole purpose to be migrated to wordpress.
Oops you fucked up a social interaction and converted your own fuck up to misogyny instead. Don’t do that. You’ll continue to fuck it up and forever reinforce your own downward spiral to misogyny.
You. And you can’t say different cause wikipedia.
It’s not that the wiki article is wrong, it’s that your applying it wrong. That’s propaganda bubby
Bro over here just propagandaposting
Anything other than concede to the left. Gotta protect that capital
Greatest defence in the world. Vote for lynchings, better than extermination camps.
Or. Hear me out. Put a fucking bullet in both of them some bitches and stop accepting the lesser evil.
The point was to pressure the Dems into giving up on genocide. You wanna talk about “pepperidge farm remembers”, I got one for ya
Remember when the Dems thought they could win while actively telling people who were anti genocide to go fuck themselves?
Hey, what’s weirder? Not voting for someone committing genocide, or being unwilling to stop committing a genocide even if it costs you the election?
How does it feel that the only thing that Harris had to do was say “I will stop weapons to Israel” and she would of won?
You can’t keep blaming the voters when the strategy was at fault. They knew they would lose votes. They thought they could court the centrists and liberal Republicans to make up for it. They were so fucking wrong. And somehow it’s not their own fault for having the worst campaign strategy known to man.
Like, Christ. Y’all ain’t ever gonna stop trying to blame leftists. You’ll be up against the wall with leftists fighting for your life and you’ll still be like “can’t believe you didn’t vote Harris”. I can’t believe Harris threw away the election over the continued genocide of palastinians. That’s fucking crazy. Is that not crazy to you? You don’t find it fucking insane that the Dems would rather a fascist state than stop actively committing a genocide? Cause that’s the fucking Gambit they ran and look where we are.
Look. I’m pissed. Your pissed. But we are just people with no power. Same with all those voters you wanna complain about. All we have is the ability to yell and vote. And while I voted for Harris out of fucking fear, I cannot blame the people who yelled “I will not vote for you if you keep committing genocide” and were fucking CALLED ON THAT SHIT. What kind of monster gambles with their own base over a fucking genocide?
Bro didn’t even read the last comment. Your man’s is coping, in shambles.
Bro thinks this is an argument lol, nah big dawg it’s a belittlement.
Guys, he actually doesn’t know about anarchism. Bro nobody mention the zapatistas or WW2 Catalonia Spain to this guy. George Orwell, more like George nobody amiright? Bro actually thinks anarchism is when you’re homeless.
Someone is real pissed they can’t argue queer folks existence to their face. Boo fucking hoo. Think about what you are arguing about. A targeted minority wants a place to exist in peace and your pissed you can’t call them delusional children. Fuck off