There was a time when King Charles tried to overturn parliament way back in the 1600s. I forget what happened next, but I’m pretty sure it was all very civil.
There was a time when King Charles tried to overturn parliament way back in the 1600s. I forget what happened next, but I’m pretty sure it was all very civil.
See, this is why all cops are bastards. Because when you stop being a bastard, you lose your job.
I will admit, I did not know that. I’m British, I’m used to it being free. But I looked it up and it seems there’s a lot of other countries that also didn’t know that. Even if it’s charged in their country, it’s such a minor amount that they barely even notice, and they don’t need to pay if it’s an emergency.
Meanwhile, Americans are charged over 100 times what Germans are charged, even in an emergency. And they get billed extra based on the distance travelled.
“The cost of an ambulance” is only an issue in America. It’s not normal.
Think of it as “worth the price”. Canadian healthcare is definitely worth the price, given that the price is zero. American prices are so high that nothing could be worth that, so it’s not even worth the price of an ambulance. Oh, yeah, they charge for the ambulance ride.
I can believe these movies would be in this order, but… Wow, that’s a poor showing. And they completely left out Wake Up Dead Man and Wicked pt 2.
My schools were fenced in. Nothing threatening or intimidating, it was just chain link with a gate somewhere along it. Keeps the troublesome kids from running off, makes sure everyone can hear the bell, keeps weirdos from coming in during school. And when the school is right next to a forest, that’s just sensible.
Improvisation is a brilliant skill in something where you can just keep going if something goes wrong. Attention to detail is a brilliant skill in something where something going wrong will get someone killed. The example that comes to mind is a stage hand vs a stage hand where pyrotechnics are involved.
Kirby. The only note on its official age rating is “fear”
Can we PLEASE fix the karma system? There’s a massive bug where being racist helps you win elections.
Nah, that’s not why. A billionaire can give millions away without any impact on their life.
There are two paths to becoming a billionaire. The first is to hit the Goldilocks zone of a good product with mass appeal, good distribution and to have significant ownership of it. The second is to already BE rich. Most billionaires are the second one.
If the curtain catches fire, then pandora’s box has already been opened and you might as well start spraying gasoline around the room. No point trying to fix problems when we can just accept that the room is on fire and start preparing to be fireproof.
AI is a shitty attempt at a shitty thing. If it improves your work, then your work was REALLY bad. If it gets better, then it will be a GOOD attempt at a shitty thing. Your work is STILL really bad, but now you have a machine to make things you claim credit for. It will never be a good thing.
AI is a technological fire pit, and you are blindly walking into the flames so the other char-grilled victims don’t leave you behind. Let me put out the damn fire.
You clearly didn’t watch the Netflix adaptation where they answer that question.
Sugar. (Technically, it was the antidote in sugar form, so yes)
This should get bonus points for incrementing i by 1 as part of the process for incrementing i by 1.