Well I will say, their brand is definitely working class disillusionment, mixed with humor and some anger
Well I will say, their brand is definitely working class disillusionment, mixed with humor and some anger
It’s a big ass drone with a car shape 3D printed over top of it
Fuck yeah static-generation-x
It’s back bay-bee!
I’m just waiting for the other early 2000s hair trends to come back. Frosted tips, insane amounts of gel to spike it up, maybe some pukka shell necklaces? Maybe some Hawaiian shirts? Maybe those big ball chains? Converse? Just bring back third wave ska?
Nah that’s amazing. But yes, definitely check out more of their stuff if you like jobseeker. Another in a similar vein is Till Dipper. Not just because of the similar sounding names. But you really can’t go wrong. Their newer album is a little more accessible I think. UK Grim the song gets stuck in my head constantly.
Sickusername btw. Ever seen them live? One of the best shows I saw in the few surrounding years (of the year I saw them)
Ooh yeah let’s hope that’s the case.
Thats my point. Far right governments are taking power all over the world. They don’t usually lead to stability. Add in some well-timed crisis (or at least the perception of a crisis, and the media loves to make us perceive things as crises), and things could go south very fuckin fast. Look at Milei, Trump, the far right in Britain, the AfD. These aren’t the most competent people. They’re reactionaries at best. But what they are good at is scapegoating groups and whipping up peoples fears and biases. A few more elections going the wrong way and we are looking at a nearing uniform far right takeover of power.
So basically a competent and thoughtful government is sort of required to avoid one?
lol as if he could carry any more weight and not just topple the fuck over like a traffic cone stood on its head
They also make people a lot angrier. Angrier people are easier to manipulate
Thing is…this is just another toll. It bills you the same as all the other tolls in the city. They just gave it a different name. That’s it. In the first days, people were bitching because they took the trains and the busses, but everyone who isn’t an asshole (those of us who don’t drive) didn’t even realize it took effect and everyone was like “woah, what’s going on? Is it a holiday? It was so quiet on my way to work. It was awesome.”
But these motherfuckers
I was born in a super duper small town in Pennsylvania. I’ve met so many people from PA that don’t even know the town exists.
When I was living in Europe, I was at a house party and I was talking to this girl who did an exchange program. Guess where she did her semester? That super small town no one has ever heard of. She even knew a few people I grew up with.
Another time, I was walking in a random Spanish town with some random person, and who do I see walk by but some kid I went to high school with. We just sort of pointed at each other, confused, laughed and both kept walking past.
I love shit like that
Yeah, now all of the reviews are bought and paid for anyway. So it’s not even good for that anymore. I really wish people could put in literally the smallest amount of effort to change bad habits. It’s crazy that people just seem addicted to it
I don’t understand why people just can’t stop buying shit form Amazon. At some point a few years back, I had had enough. I stopped buying stuff from Amazon. I…didn’t think it was that hard. If anything, I’ll browse Amazon for something vague I’m looking for, find it, search the company names and buy it direct.
And American cops are all too happy to take one less murder case if there’s any room to say it was a suicide. They’re not looking to add unsolved murders, especially ones that implicate he most powerful companies and men in the world.
This is just attention grabbing language for something that really isn’t even a problem for Reddit. The longer recent trend of stunted growth could be cause for concern, but the actual numbers are something like they got 101.6 million unique visitors instead of their projected 103.4. That’s nothing. They’re talking like they’re in free fall. It could be the start of a trend that could be bad for a public company, but realistically, what we’re all hoping to see isnt what this article is actually telling us. Unfortunately.
I mean, I know everyone says it’s impossible for phones to be listening, but I feel like there are just too many examples for that to be the case. My friend was looking for something for our other friends birthday. Her husband suggested opening instagram and talking about the thing she was looking for, describing the specific jacket, saying the company started with an “A.” Minutes later, she got the ad for the jacket she was looking for.
When I was driving with some people from work, we were talking about daddy Yankee, and his song “gasolina.” We were using maps to navigate home from an away job. On our route, suddenly there were multiple waypoints suggested on our map, “estaciones de gasolina.” We were speaking English, the person whose phone it was doesn’t speak Spanish.
If they’re not listening, how could these things be possible?
A truly depressing response to the article bringing up how yet again whistleblowers against major corporations are being killed mysteriously.
Battle bots 2034