lol got downvote bombed for desiring normal. Fucking Lemmy man. Honestly don’t know why I even use this platform anymore.
lol got downvote bombed for desiring normal. Fucking Lemmy man. Honestly don’t know why I even use this platform anymore.
The fuck are you on about?
I did this years ago and have like 500 games on GOG. Ended up going back to Steam due to features that gog just doesn’t have. Sigh.
I understand your frustration but I’m not casting some wide net here. I’m simply talking about political ideologies being in your face.
Totally understand what you’re saying. Obviously I am on Lemmy. Just wish we didn’t have ideologies in our face all the time
And then we have the communists making Lemmy. Is there any moderate developers lol. Valve is the only big company I can think of that isn’t annoying. All the faceless Linux devs are good too
“Cut off your nose to spite your face.”
All the social features, the workshop, easy browsing, and guides just off the top of my head. GOG is still good for those really retro 90s and early 2000s games though