About 1000 Stanley nickels, according to my math.
About 1000 Stanley nickels, according to my math.
It’s basically 1:1 nowadays, easy to remember
I’m far, far left of anything the democrats stand for. Universal healthcare, free education, strong unions, respect of minorities, gay marriage, wealth tax, legalized recreational drugs, green energy, and a few others.
So spot on with your analysis, congratulations.
They could have taken an accordion and played a polka while making donkey noises for all I care. When the alternative is a literal criminal that is so dumb he thought planes are invisible, it shouldn’t be about what democrats are doing.
- Cake or death?
- Well… what flavor is the cake? Vanilla? So boring!
That sounds super uncomfortable, the emergency braking is quite brutal…
You mistakenly linked a poll about sexism in America, you probably meant to link something about economy…
Yep, I want to be a contrarian, that why I brought politics in a discussion about tech. Oh, wait…
None of those things are about capitalsm, so still irrelevant.
And I know what the article is about, I just think it’s bullshit first and the most minor of minor problems second.
Tech is a huge net positive and even when it’s annoying it’s a fucking trivial thing to work around.
I have never lived in the US, my man. I am not a programmer, either. So 0 for 2.
Keep up the good work, you convinced me with your Lols. Consumer definitely decide the price of stocks. And the color of the sky. You got it, champ. Typed on an electronic device. Sent over the internet. I love the hypocrisy ;)
What’s sad about a lunch pause? Do I need to keep working 8 hours straight?
Or about a car braking automatically? I has saved me twice in four years, I was looking to see if someone was coming from one direction while the guy in front of me braked suddenly. Car stopped before I rear ended the other guy.
I must be missing something…
Well, feel free to provide some numbers, claiming what millions think is not helping much.
So you got 6 different metrics about a good economy and your answer is… that it feels hard to find a job?
Like anyone in IT, I get bombarded by offers on LinkedIn and salaries kept growing just fine.
The numbers clearly say that more people are employed and less are on food stamps, so it could be that you need to do something about yourself?
This argument has been enlightening. The fact you are downvoted shows that even on left leaning platform like lemmy, on a politically oriented community, people are still deluded.
It’s fascinating to watch.
PS: even if all of what the other people are claiming was true (which it isn’t), “do nothing” should still be preferable to “I’m going to destroy the economy so my friends can pick up the pieces: Here’s 5 terrible ideas that will make things more expensive while I raise your taxes to give Elon some subsidies”.
cake or death?
vanilla cake? Are you a moron?
- some dude who chose not cake
Well, they sure have change now! Enjoy.
You guys deserve trump.
Like “the democrats weren’t cool and sexy enough, and they didn’t serenade me long enough, they didn’t even have my favorite ice cream flavor”.
This thread is full of it.
There’s no campaign bad enough to justify electing the injecting bleach criminal.
They just should have needed to come out, point at trump and say “if you don’t vote for me you’ll get him”, turn 180 and go to sleep. And should have won like 80-20.
But… Eggs!
Enjoy the turbo-genocide ethnic cleansing!
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