Don’t do the Nazis’ job for them.
Don’t do the Nazis’ job for them.
Even writing in the dirt on a new car can fuck up the clear coat.
Harambee was our anchor being. Everything’s been fraying at the edges since that day.
There was a dude in Seattle who went by Phoenix Jones. He fashioned himself a masked vigilante, roaming the streets saving people from muggings and assaults.
Turns out he was mostly just picking fights with drunk frat guys. And we’re pretty sure he was dealing drugs and using the superhero facade to beat up his competition.
Imma let you finish, but Neo had the best ‘died and resurrected for our sins’ arc of all time.
This song is featured in the horror movie Green Room, which is also an excellent answer to this question.
Yes, you are a very lucky minority. I would bet that 95% of humanity doesn’t like their job and 70% hates it. For the vast majority of people, work is a place where you go and somebody pays you to do something you don’t want to do.
If there’s a job that must be done
You’ll find it’s much more fun
Don’t pout, don’t sob,
Just do a half-assed job!
If you cut every corner then it’s really not so bad
Everybody does it, even mom and dad.
If nobody sees you, then nobody gets mad.
It’s the American way!
“My god, I’m exhausted! Aren’t you tired of always caring about everything?”
“No, Jinkx. I’m tired of other people NOT caring about everything.”
Seattle. And yes, it’s fucking expensive. Outside of the city is cheaper, but diminishing returns on inclusiveness the farther away you get.
If you have a tech background, living here gets way easier.
Yup. My partner’s dad speaks Spanish, German and English. As he gets older, he’s increasingly unsure which one he’s speaking.
I’m a native English speaker, speak ok German, and only a bit of Spanish. Communication is kinda tough.
Same. If somebody speaks to me in Spanish, half the time I react by speaking German.
I’ll tell you that where I live in America is waaaaaayyyy more accepting than what you’re describing. A friend transitioned a couple years ago, and said that the insurance, doctors and her job were all super helpful and understanding. A drag queen duo just sold out one of the most popular venues in the city multiple nights for their annual holiday show. Hell, the bar down the street from me has a trans couple who are regulars and nobody gives a shit (coincidentally, they just moved here from Texas). It’s not even a queer bar or anything, it’s just a normal watering hole.
A lot of places in America suck, but there are oases, is what I’m saying.
I make sure to trim my hair and beard before I go through airport security. If I’m at all my normal disheveled self they hassle me.
Yup. The other day I was on the toilet and saw a really interesting article. It said “45 minute read” so I saved it instead of starting.
There are steps in between. I think the next one will be company towns. Massive company buys a giant plot of land in the middle of nowhere. Builds a whole business complex there. Offices, manufacturing plant, shipping/ receiving infrastructure, etc. Then they build track housing around it, build a company-run grocery store, a private school completely funded by the business, etc. Invite in a bunch of familiar national chain restaurants, but make sure they’re all franchised, so they’re owned and operated by the company.
Then they recruit. They offer half decent wages. Nothing great, but they sell it to people by offering to pay for moving costs and massive discounts on company-owned houses.
These houses are brand new and waycheaper than a condo in the city! [pre-fab, low-cost bullshit that looks good but disintegrates in a couple years]
Come meet the neighbors! They also work for us, so you’ve got a lot in common! Built-in new friend group! [your boss also loves a block away and pays attention to your social life]
Your kids can go to school for free! [where we teach them to be good wage slaves for the next generation]
Soon, there will be an entire town 100% owned and run by the company. Wages will stagnate, prices will skyrocket. Workers will get in debt, all owed to the company. People will start to realize, but what the fuck are they gonna do? Company owns their mortgage, which is now under water. They’ve lost contact with all their old friends, because they live three hours outside the city and have had to work every Saturday for months.
Viola. Entire areas of wage slaves.
No joke we actually had barbed wire fence around my high school. Magnetically sealed doors and cops stationed at the only entrance they didn’t lock all day.
Mmmm. Don’t forget the Sriracha.