Fair warning to everyone, it’s an older doc (2006ish), but very worth watching. And I liked, later, going and watching the movies that it uses as examples to talk about issues. I’m especially thinking of “But I’m a Cheerleader”, but there are lots.
Fair warning to everyone, it’s an older doc (2006ish), but very worth watching. And I liked, later, going and watching the movies that it uses as examples to talk about issues. I’m especially thinking of “But I’m a Cheerleader”, but there are lots.
As has been well documented time and again, Texas textbooks are not neutral sources of information (podcast for anyone interested). Taking real books out of the library, controlling the content of textbooks, getting rid of Internet access specifically because it could introduce thought to children… Home of the free, my friends. Free speech absolutism.
I went to HS early/mid 00s, and for my school district of 5 highschools, there was one career center. That’s where they put shop and cosmetology and graphic design (and ASL for some reason?) I dropped band in my senior year. I wasn’t that great, hated the marching part especially. I wanted to do graphic design (not that great at it either, come to find out!). A band director literally pulled me aside one day, urging me to rethink my choice. That career center was ‘for kids who weren’t college bound.’ I guess it couldn’t help me as much as he thought band could have? 🤦♀️
I don’t want another fucking war. If we’re war-mongering, as happened before the Iraq war, we shouldn’t just ignore it.
Just was at the grocery store. Was joking around with cashier, he and the bag boy talked about the ad playing over the loudspeakers about avocados from Mexico. They seemed nice. He finishes ringing me up and I groan. He says he’s really looking forward to prices coming down in the next four years. I started laughing at him, saying that’s not how tariffs work and that we’re all fucked.
What a wonderful day in the neighborhood.
What ticks my off is that I have the stupid Safeway card and the stupid Kroger card. But now there’s more deals, better deals if I do a digital coupon requiring the app on my phone, too. It’s not enough to know about all the regular items in my home, from celery to toilet paper, but they also must need to hoover up all my digital into as well? Dude, just buy it from Meta or whichever jerks have it all. Half-price grapes ain’t the right price.