Like the silica storms on mars?
Or am I just misremembering from a sci-fi movie?
Like the silica storms on mars?
Or am I just misremembering from a sci-fi movie?
“The bean counters told me we literally didn’t have $7 to buy moon rocks with, let alone $70 million. Bought 'em anyway! Ground them up, mixed them into a gel. And guess what? Ground up moon rocks are pure poison!”
I’d say if they’re a lightweight (literally and figuratively) then two should probably be the max, and if you want a third get a glass of water or two before you get that last drink.
I’m a big guy, but I don’t drink much either and I’d definitely be buzzed after two drinks.
Personally for me, it was the Galaxy Explorer. I helped my brother put together the Temple of The Golden Idol from Indiana Jones.
I’ve never really had a big Lego set, but I’d like to some day. I really want Rivendell and the D&D castle/dragon that came out.
Start watering it down. Honestly.
Working in foodservice, I would drink soda and other sugary drinks from the fountain all the time. I started watering down my drinks and actually started liking it like that.
Alright Arin Hanson
It’s like the kids who would learn basic sign language to talk to each other across the classroom.
Literally NO ONE talks about how shit the writing for the game is. No one.
I never played it, but watched a playthrough. Tbh I didn’t even finish that cause I got to the elephant scene and noped the fuck out. Like who actually thinks this is good? In any capacity?
“oH tHe CoNtRoLs ArE gOoD fOr NoNgAmErS!” Tbh that’s not enough for me to think a game is GOTY. It needs to have a story that’s at least as well done as the gameplay. It’s why the Arkham games are S tier imo.
I still don’t know why people like this game. Sure the gameplay may be fun, but everything else about the game is screaming in your face “these are terrible people, you should hate them”
I can’t believe I forgot about that gay goth masterpiece. They’ll love Interview With The Vampire.
Wednesday might be a good show to watch with them, if they haven’t already seen it.
Spaceballs, The Matrix trilogy (I was born in 1996), What Dreams May Come (possibly; I was too young to realize that he was dead and in the afterlife for the entire thing)
Honestly I can’t think of any from my childhood other than those that might have been “bad” for a kid, other than shows that went right over my head like Family Guy and the like. I know I wasn’t allowed to watch South Park until I just decided to start watching it when I was around 13.
Other movies that I really liked as a kid (other than Spaceballs cause it was kinda like Star Wars, and The Matrix) that may be kinda suggestive were Mystery Men, Galaxy Quest, and Titan A.E. They may like Lord of The Rings (Arwen and Eowyn + magic and swords) and possibly Star Wars (Padmé and Princess Leia, plus Ahsoka from Clone Wars and Hera from Rebels). Although I’m a man and had an older brother that liked a lot of this stuff, so I ended up liking a lot of it too, you may get better results from other people.
Absofuckinglutely not
It’s also, as tons of people have said about the Arkham series, about art style. The Valheim style looks really good because they have incredible artists working on the game.
Just like Arkham Knight is still one of the best looking games I’ve ever seen even though it’s almost 9 years old, Valheim will still probably look just as good the same amount of time later.
Aka: CoD. I honestly still don’t understand how people can justify to themselves the $70 price point for each game, or the sheer ridiculous size of the fucking thing. It’s gotta be mental gymnastics, right? Are they really that good that people will overlook the bullshit like shitty launchers and Warzone bleeding into how the games play nowadays?
Yeah Valhalla was the last AC I’m probably ever gonna play because of that. I mean, I guess I kind of enjoyed some of it? I liked the proto-halloween story with the Welsh girl the blacksmith falls in love with, and no one understands as fucking word she says.
The worst energy vampire game I’ve ever played was probably Mafia 3. That game just wastes the fuck out of your time.
Dude has to be a Russian troll.
Growing up, and even after working in foodservice, I was always told to tip at least 20% (almost) regardless of service.
There’s been maybe two times I didn’t tip 20% and the lower tip was definitely earned.