Today I Learned
Today I Learned
A classic English garden is quite different from an American lawn. An English garden has flowers and bushes and ornaments. It is very well maintained though, that is true, too maintianed maybe. The grass part is also pure grass with no room for “weeds”. But the English make it look “orderly and autistic” while the Americans just make it look “sterile”, no life, no inspiration, no spirit, no joy, no color, no vegetables, nothing.
Life is definitely not a hill, it’s a rollercoaster. And there is no bottom. If you think you can’t take it anymore, there’s always a way to take more. If your bottom gets too deep, it does get harder to climb back up though. It might take a couple tries before you’re all the way back tot he top. That’s just my viewpoint though. You might not see it that way. And if you can’t see the foothold, than you can’t climb them. Maybe a change of perspective can help. Getting out there and meeting people can help with that. Volunteering is also a good one. A volunteer job doesn’t pay in money, but it pays in other ways, like perspective, experience, happiness, purpose, knowledge, socials contacts, things that are good for the soul.
Holdup! You’ve got actual, employed, working, graduated juniors who are handing in code that they don’t even understand?
Tell me about it. I teach a python class. Super basic, super easy. Students are sometimes idiots, but if they follow the steps, most of them should be fine. Sometimes I get one who thinks they can just do everything with chatgpt. They’ll be working on their final assignment and they’ll ask me what a for loop is for. Than I look at their code and it looks like Sanscrit. They probably haven’t written a single line of code in those weeks.
Lol, that’s what I always say… a year before I pick up a side project 😅
Why use Google docs, when you can download pdflatex for free?
Connect. It feels like RIF
It’s not working yet, but Firefox with ad block is
I know a guy who started seig heiling all tesla drivers that he saw in the streets. I think there’s something poetic about that.
There is “Real Civil Engineer”, but he’s actually an architect
Can I port my subscription list from newpipe to pipepioe?
No, cable stayed bridges would never betray me like that.
I’m currently watching the company I work for crumble and die. It was taken over by some lean and mean folks. Who are reducing it to shit. I am not neuro divergent, but I am realising now that it was a safe space to work for many people who are neuro divergent. That is being torn down now. Without that community though, the company seizes to exist for us. We’ve decided to make a last stand, but no matter what, to keep in touch after the company falls.
My parents are dairy farmers and once or twice we had an entire cow in the deep freeze. Not any more though. It’s barely worth if you take the butchering cost and the electricity from he freezer in account.
Same, but I do have factorio on my work laptop. For during the train ride.
I don’t have time to be paranoid. I’m to busy running from the government agencies who are after me.
The emphasis on nothing, makes me think there is something to be afraid of. What are you hiding?!
He’ll put the USA up as collateral. That’ll give him an extra dollar or two