There is only one guy with more mojo than Austin Powers
There is only one guy with more mojo than Austin Powers
It’s hard to feed large populations. If not for the current form of the food industry, we wouldn’t be able to. It’s good for a first draft, now we have to refactor (and we are slowly doing that)
I believe you. History is full of movements and counter-movements. I don’t know if it’s going to be such a big movement though. Social media is literally addictive. Most people are not strong, mindful or willing enough to kick the habit
Cancelled my subscription this week, after a whole year of not watching it. (probably multiple, but I took last year to convince my wife)
The numbers are a bit worse than I thought
As usual, Sweden is doing well. So are a lot of African countries.
It’s ridiculed for the the use of too much lense flare. It’s not hated
Maybe lay off the Internet for a while, mate
Men without hats?
Say that to the aliens who are going to make first contact with us.
I don’t want to sound like a conservative, but it’s really not the car that commits mass murder, it’s the driver. Sure it’s a plan to be stricter on car rental agreements or raise blockades where pedestrians walk, but that’s just triage. It’s a symptom of our fucked up society, we should try to fix that for once.
“Enjoyed” is a big word. I haven’t had a single bad experience with this instance since I joined Lemmy.
I would use it. Dents are just external damage, bulges are internal and much more dangerous.
I’ve been using Jetbrains products for free in college and I can say that it is the best advertisement. I bought it the day after my student license expired.
It is “I slap my balls ON it”, you frenchist