You could describe your shits in materialist terms i guess, but that doesn’t make it marxist
You could describe your shits in materialist terms i guess, but that doesn’t make it marxist
Outside of how they relate to material conditions, it doesn’t.
It can’t help inform your gender identity any more than it can help you decide what toppings to put on your pizza. Attributing that kind of cultural expression to an ideology that has nothing to say about it isn’t just dumb, it’s fascistic.
Ideologies are a part of culture, but culture isn’t a part of all ideologies, see?
“The culture of Marxism” is a misnomer - any distinct ‘culture’ that marxists might share is incidental to what marxism actually is. Suggesting that transgender expression is somehow a distinct feature of a culture ‘of marxism’ is exactly the thing ‘cultural bolshevism’ and ‘cultural marxism’ are pointing to.
Unless you’re planning on articulating what it is you’re actually objecting to I can’t really help you make sense of those two statements.
Because 90% of Marx’s writing is about class relations.
Yes that’s the point. Marx isn’t concerned with cultural expression outside of how it’s used inside class relations. Which is why it’s inane to point to ‘the culture of marxism’, because outside of that narrow materialist context marxism doesn’t concern itself with culture.
Thumbs are fingers but fingers aren’t all thumbs.
The only point in which Marx comments on cultural practices is to point to how it is used to reinforce labor relations with capital.
If there’s any definitive ‘culture’ to Marx it’s more broadly counter-traditional than anything specific.
Yea, see, that’s the problem - both of those terms are intended to describe a ‘culture’ of acceptance/normalization of lgbtq and non-traditional expression and associate it with the revolutionary language of Marx - the implication being that Marxists are intentionally pushing those norms and values as a part of their revolutionary action.
All of which is relevant to the actual content of the original post - either you simply missed the whole point of the meme or you’ve accepted the premise of the term itself.
Marxism is explicitly a materialist worldview - it has no real way of comparing cultural qualities
Unless you just mean ‘the culture of marxists’, but then you’ve pretty much taken up the term in its original meaning. Especially since the original post is about transgenter identity…
Yea, but the problem is that there is no different literal meaning from the dog whistle. What would ‘cultural Marxism’ even mean to a Marxist?
Nobody is questioning your anti-tankie bona-fides here. We’re pointing to the irony of someone trying hard to otherize tankies from other leftists accidentally appropriating a term that’s pretty much exclusively used to malign both for the acceptance of LGBTQ expression.
‘Cultural marxism’ being mistaken for ML terminology in a comment that’s trying to scold a shitpost for being too friendly toward the wrong kind of leftist is just a little too on the nose.
Color me surprised that the kind of user who goes out of their way to broadcast their anti-tankie allegiances isn’t familiar with the broadly-used reactionary pejorative used to describe liberals that has been around since at least the 1990’s
Huh, it works great on my android os Nvidia shield
As a rule I don’t announce my trackers publicly so they can continue existing as my trackers, but the one I use mostly is small-rodent themed.
I’ll DM you
I get my linux distros via torrent networks, mostly
As someone who likes to have a fallback way of purchasing digital content that I can remove DRM from, this annoys me.
I can still purchase mp3 and flac files from various online retailers, and I can rip bluray for my movies and tv shows, but now I need a new place to purchase ebooks that are downloadable. Anyone have any recommendations? The first few independent retailers i’ve found seem to require their own apps.
It’s been a while since I’ve heard about libgen and aa - and actually i’m not sure how they operate with direct downloads of copyrighted material? I find my ebooks through more conventional p2p means, but i’ve always just assumed that was necessary to avoid sudden takedowns
Lmao, yea I think they’re kind of playing a game with language here.
After doing some reading of various explanations, what they mean when they say they aren’t using electrons for computation is basically that the ‘thing’ they’re measuring that dictates the ‘state’ of the transistor is a quasi-particle… but that particle is only observed through the altered behavior of electrons (i guess in the case of the majorana particle, it appears as two electrons gathered together in synchrony?)
So the chip is still using electrons in its computation in the same say as a traditional transistor - you are still sending electrons into a circuit, and the ‘state’ of the bit is determined by the output signal. It’s just that, in this case, they’re looking for specific behavior of the electrons that indicate the presence and state of this ‘qbit’
That is just my layman’s understanding of it
Microsoft isn’t using electrons for the compute in this new chip; it’s using the Majorana particle that theoretical physicist Ettore Majorana described in 1937.
Ok now i’m gonna need an explain-like-i’m-not-a-quantum-scientist on what a ‘topological transistor’ is, and what it uses instead of electrons for its compute (and, like, what is the significance?)
I don’t know what this impulse is that people have to weigh in on the legitimacy of other people’s genders, but I’m tired of people running to communities like this one just to lick their wounds when they get rightfully swatted across the nose.