It says character generator, but you can totally use it for other stuff. It’s just stablediffusion. I’ve used it to generate illustrations of locations to show to my Pathfinder players.
It says character generator, but you can totally use it for other stuff. It’s just stablediffusion. I’ve used it to generate illustrations of locations to show to my Pathfinder players.
100% science-based dragon MMO
Person I’m responding to said this was common in continental Europe
Wouldn’t this be blatantly in conflict with the EU cookie law? Like I’m not from Europe but my understanding was that it needs to be equally easy to accept or reject all cookies. Dark patterns aren’t allowed
Ah. I see, so reducing the resolution was more about sending frames to the monitor faster, not about optimizing the tube hardware’s behaviour
Yeah I didn’t think it would make the “pixels” smaller, but the beam would need to pulse less often and therefore could travel more. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what they did.
It makes sense you’d be able to get a much higher refresh rate on a tube if you reduce the resolution, since you would be reducing the beam’s travel.
What language is this comment written in?
The Turing Test says that any person could have any conversation with a machine and there’s no chance you could tell it’s a machine. It does not say that one person could have one conversation with a machine and not be able to tell.
Current text generation models out themselves all the damn time. It can’t actually understand the underlying concepts of words. It just predicts what bit of text would be most convincing to a human based on previous text.
Playing Go was never the mark of AI, it was the mark of improving game-playing machines. It doesn’t represent “intelligence”, only an ability to predict what should happen next based on a set of training data.
It’s worth noting that after Lee Se Dol lost to Alphago, researchers found a fairly trivial Go strategy that could reliably beat the machine. It was simply such an easy strategy to counter that none of the games in the training data had included anyone attempting that strategy, so the algorithm didn’t account for how to counter it. Because the computer doesn’t know Go theory, it only knows how to predict what to do next based on the training data.
Nah. But anything more complicated than a MacBook scares most people away. Most people aren’t down with anything that isn’t a turnkey experience
Artists are mostly not going to figure out the fediverse. There really needs to be some kind of way of accessing it that is more layman friendly if we ever want it to be adopted by non-nerds
Both of those sound kinda dystopian. Because you just know the first one will start getting gamed by every company from the grocery companies trying to SEO the AI, to the big fossil fuel companies trying to get you to drive your car more.
It doesn’t really work the other direction. Mastodon users can post and comment on Lemmy communities by @ ing the community. There isn’t a way for Lemmy users to browse hashtags or users from Mastodon. Even if you click on the user profile for a mastodon user from Lemmy, it’ll only show you the stuff they’ve posted and commented on Lemmy instances, not the full activity of the account.
Yes, but keep in mind hashtags look awful on Lemmy and the first line of text of your toot becomes the post title. A lot of mastodon posts onto Lemmy are really ugly and borderline incomprehensible. So be careful.
Is “Owls to Athens” a reference to Athena?
Don’t worry about WW3. The more inevitable thing that will destroy us is climate change.
But seriously, why worry about stuff you can’t change? If they launch the nukes, then you’ll be dead and so it won’t matter if you worried about it or not. So you might as well just not worry.
Also, don’t trust anyone who isn’t asking for vetting, seems backwards but sting ops will usually skip that part while legit SWers will often demand it to make sure they’re not exposing themselves to a sting on your end.
Where I am, SWers are decriminalized, but buying their services isn’t. So they don’t need to be afraid of stings. Not sure if that affects what you’re saying.
Anyway this is all hypothetical since I have a gf right now, but I’ve spent most of my adult life single and lonely and would have loved to be able to access SW services safely and legitimately during those times.
Honestly I’ve often thought it would be fun to hire a sex worker, but it’s seemingly impossible to ensure safety from any diseases, from getting mugged, and also to ensure nobody is being exploited or coerced. I really wish it was legal and regulated (and ideally unionized) in my area. It would be cool to be able to access a service like that as easily as I can book a haircut.
Not a chance in hell MS dignifies this with a response.
The thing is, if I take a day off, the work doesn’t stop. So Tuesday will just be catching up on all the stuff missed on Monday. The only exception is national holidays where literally nobody is working. Honestly I feel it discouraging me from ever taking vacation.