This is very prelude to hell
This is very prelude to hell
About as far from a republican/conservative as possible but I am American, and I am fucking pissed and embarrassed. But sadly I’m not surprised
The zombie apocalypse was at one point supposed to be a metaphor for the idiot apocalypse
I agree with your point but as another blue state resident I will be protesting in hopes that the blue states will collectively secede
Millennial here, Superbad was the movie my friends and I felt best captured the way we spoke to one another
Knockaround solid quality and price point.
I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch the Showdy, BtB at least has Robert’s deep cynicism, I don’t know if I have it in me to watch Cody’s broken spirit
This actually is still helpful for us white dudes, if you meet another white guy that gets pissy about exclusive spaces you know that person isn’t worth talking to anymore!
Immediately. My only close friends at this point in my life are women
The Tale of Samuel Whiskers
If it’s anything like what current mainstream country music has been since roughly 9/11 then no wonder the bigots love it when it’s not a black woman. Nothing out of Nashville has really been good since the 90s
I had completely forgotten about how much this book fucked me up as a kid!
I actually dont mind the transfer portal although it needs governance. I hate the CFP and the road the whole sport is on to become a nfl light with two super conferences. I miss the regionality that is going away. I hate conference expansion in every capacity. I miss bowl games being meaningful to the teams playing in them, the rest of the country be damned. I legit dislike almost everything besides players getting paid
Edit: to be clear I hate the NFL and kinda always have, cfb was different and imo more enjoyable because it wasn’t so focused on the playoffs and postseason. I’m for sure in the minority. But my enjoyment of the sport has wavered significantly to the point where if my team isn’t involved I’m not watching anymore. I used to watch everything
As a major college football fan for the past 35 years, I didn’t watch the national championship for the first time in 20+ years. If my team had made it sure, but i vehemently hate what has happened to the sport I love recently and don’t really care about games they ain’t involved in anymore.
That person would’ve been me! I heard about it from my work wife
One of the ones in my office openly said there are three words he thinks need to come back “the r-word, the f-word, and you know the other one”. They are emboldened and giddy
It’s wild that 15 years ago I’d sign up in a heartbeat, the entire world order would have to change dramatically for me to go for it today
B-A-R-R-A-L as the name of a new save in Donkey Kong Country to start with 50 lives. Also the Konami code obvi
Nissan and Pontiac used to stand atop that mountain with the Juke and Aztec respectively. They have not only been passed theyve been lapped multiple times by Telsa with the Cybertruck