So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
Your list is great. You need to add the big banks. Privatized profits, socialized losses. Cannot believe congress would bail out the too big to fail and not break them up and prosecute the executives. They need their own Luigis.
The expectation that you will be using your firearm. Better be prepared to slaughter suspected illegals.
I am in the shoot them camp and got permabanned from reddit because I am vocal about it.
I kind of expected this for Ubuntu.
I use Ubuntu, Red Hat/CentOS, and Windows.
If I had more free time I would try some more.
In reality, I feel like hide-the-pain Harold.
He should ask himself if he personally would find the child shield to be a deterrent. I don’t think he would. Why would he expect the people he is worried about to find the child to be a deterrent? Does he think CEO shooters have more empathy than he does? Perhaps it is just about the optics of the event if something happens?
We are implementing the feature in this two week sprint. (It is a four week task and is not amenable to being further decomposed - at least not with meaningful exit criteria.)
It’s exhausting though. I remember naively thinking it couldn’t get worse than Reagan. Dubya was an eye opener. Progression is going to have me taking up arms in my 70s.
1970s checking in. Can someone direct me to the nursing home? Tired doesn’t begin to describe it.
I assassinate people by summoning baguettes in their lungs.
Integrity has definitely got to go.
He’ll be back in the news when he goes to trial. He’ll really be in the news if jury nullification happens.
Can the fat fuck die from a coronary already?
I bet you can guess from my user name.
I use cygwin a lot. I fine it extremely convenient. Most of my personal software development is done in gvim and compiled in cygwin. I wven dosome of my professional work, particularly unit testing in it.
We really only have the Second Amendment. I am now on a list.
It is like a dog whistle except it is blatant and apparent to all but the most gullible apologist collaborators.
I have some RedHat CDs from the late 1990s (probably collectible at this point). I remember having a great deal of difficulty mounting my particular cd rom to even install it. I never got a driver for my video card at the time to work, so the “graphics” were awful (640x480 text only, iirc).
Anyway, few experiences will be more frustrating than trying to use them. I think it should be mandatory for aspiring computer people to play with them, so they can appreciate how far we have come.
And files are streams. 🎵 Islands in the stream. 🎵
I wonder what happens if you use Pale Moon but set the user agent to Firefox.