• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023

  • Hitler was not left leaning. He was supported by the old guard and the industrialists like Krupp until he out grew them and then turned on them. At the end of the day he was an autocrat, a totalitarian. Think was Gaddafi liberal? How about Suddam? They both had extensive social programs, but they were not left leaning. In the Weimar Republic it was the right wing courts that tried to censor and throw people in jail, and often let the right wing activists off the hook for similar offenses. Left and right wing groups can both censor and throw people in jail, ie USSR, but generally this is in service of totalitarianism, the ideology at that point is just a husk to keep people in line while people vye for control.

  • I have a Tesla model 3 with my partner. It was simply the most cost effective EV for us at the time and let us do road trips easily with the super charger network, also he really likes the software updates and self driving features and stuff.

    We bought it a while ago when Elon was just an idiot billionaire dick, perhaps not so different from other car makers executive boards just a bit more visibly and annoying, or at least that’s what we thought at the time. It’s worked well for us. We wouldn’t buy it again today given Elons actions in the past year especially.

    Certainly I would hope our car wouldn’t be vandalized. Sometimes cars are compromises between family members with different viewpoints, sometimes they’re bought second hand, or more cheaply from older family members when they want a new car. It’s almost impossible to know the story of a car on the street.

    Yet I think social pressure to stigmatize people buying teslas is a good thing at this point. Maybe leave a note, or do something non destructive. I get that may not have the same financial repercussions for teslas sales, but it should still help, while not having the detraction of potentially alienating and so listing the viewpoints of the victim of vandalism.