It remained as the sole evidence of the existence of the cup cakes.
It remained as the sole evidence of the existence of the cup cakes.
Dog ate 24 cup cakes that were cooling on the counter, and 23 cup cake wrappers.
Oh yeah, he was totally my favourite character by the end.
… And prevent the fancy wand choosing Draco.
At that point we’re in caveat emptor territory.
But, yes, nice counter point.
And how!
It’s glorious garbage.
It went through serious development hell and producer interference.
However there’s a fan edit with salvaged editing room floor footage. “Sand diver’s edit” or something. It’s amazing.
I really like the two news ones too!
Best of luck, hope it all works out of the best!
My go to for that criticism is that it’s a different medium, so it must be different.
It’s like complaining that a photo of Statue of David doesn’t show the whole statue.
Lightyear was great.
Haters: it’s just Mad Max on water
Me: that’s awesome
If you can, ignore it or dismiss it as “old man yells at clouds”.
Either way, unfortunately, you have to find a way, somehow, to deal the issue so that it stops causing you problems. It’s hard and it sucks.
IMHO as a parent, my kids owe me nothing and I owe them everything. I created them after all.
This is kind of rubbish advice, sorry.
You could ask him what he expects you to do about it. Force him to follow through on his line of reasoning to the conclusion. Does he want it paid back? Does he want to estrange his children?
That can work because, rather than contacting contradicting him you’re facilitating him reasoning through his position. Hopefully for the best.
Wait a minute, that’s just monarchy with extra steps
I was pissed that Snape was the stupidly obvious traitor all along. Weak, bad writing, angry at childish plot “twist”.
Not my most, but also not already in the thread:
Duella’s in BSG.
LOL actual.
I was going to post Shephard, but no, Mordin was the worst.
I haven’t the constitution to play “evil”, so saught out the evil equivalent as video… also heartbreaking.
It’s ironically like they have a small set of royal families that swap the throne every four years.
Better shoot him too, before he shoots you.