Yeah. And “human capital” is another one that just makes my skin crawl.
FWIW, there are a bunch of folks trying to shift the practice over to “People Ops”, while refering to employees as actual people, which is way better. As a bonus, this gives the formerly called HR people a more meaningful scope for their work.
That said, the name or the idea does’t keep some from whitewashing or running with PeopleOps as a kind of virtue signal. Consider this article that minces all of this together while making it sound normal:
I swear it’s just one dead cat after another with this guy. It’s like someone is feeding him this nonsense to keep him busy, and by extension, the media and most of us.
That too. Good call, OP.
I encourage everyone to call non-news what it is - a distraction - until it’s actually a thing that’s happening. In the meantime, consider browsing the AP to read what’s actually happening that’s being masked by all this noise.