Related: I am on the ride but I have never bought a ticket. How can I get down?
Related: I am on the ride but I have never bought a ticket. How can I get down?
I have viewed your comment, therefore I wholeheartedly agree
Not sure where I fall into this chart.
I can tell you. You’re in the shit distro+shit browser part of the chart. Terrible choices. Not like my distribution which is so good. With a very good browser.
No I haven’t read what your distro is. Nor your browser. Irrelevant.
My distro? You wouldn’t know it. Very niche. But very good. Maybe the same as yours, but not the shit one. The good one.
Am I a moron? Sure. A moron with a good distro. (It’s ubuntu+chrome, if you know it)
He’s not transphobic, he’s “only” misogynistic. Which is only 50% transphobic I suppose
- Immanuel Kant, Critic of the political compass shitposts
Yeah I understand. Still the reason I can’t play Sonic to this day. I’m a yellow hedgehog. Immersion is ruined, everytime.
So you dislike the thing that I like. Well, well. Guess what? I absolutely despise the things that you like. And the things you love? I abhor them. You must be a brute, a philistine, a barbarian, not only to have such an uneducated palate, but to have the foolishness to admit it. Ha ha, truly! This person has different tastes! Very bizarre but also absolutely wrong.
Ah, you know, cutting people off in the parking lot is something you never really forget. It will come back to you naturally as soon as you get back to the parking lot.
Yes you get it, my good Sturmstaffel friend (as a joke of course, not the evil kind, the funny kind that killed Jews, but for the lols).
Nothing to do at all! Since Hitler was a communist and the USSR were nazis. Which are bad, of course. Unlike my good AfD friend who is not a nazi of course, but is a nazi, in a good way I mean. But not a communist nazi. A nazi-nazi, but again we can’t say that but it’s good.
Anyway words have no meaning whatsoever.
Looks more like someone who would let the ring bearer decide whether to go through Moria.
N’importe quoi, y a la chocolatine du nord et la chocolatine du sud, ça fait 6, retourne à ton école pourrave à Paimpont (j’ai rien contre Paimpont, c’est très pimpant).
Well done, I’m completely upset now 😡. The nerve some people have to exist. Unbelievable.