Organize in your community. Doing something/anything will help alleviate the anxiety and stress you are feeling.
“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”
Organize in your community. Doing something/anything will help alleviate the anxiety and stress you are feeling.
“Liver spots” are the dark spots that light skinned people develop on their skin as they get old.
Slavery, war and genocides.
I learned about Gandhi when I was 12, and thought it was dumb that he would be in hell just because he wasn’t Christian. Absolutely could not square that rule with the idea that “God is love”. Figured it was all a bunch of bullshit.
You may have misunderstood my comment. I was joking about Flock being mad at their cameras being tracked, by using one of the arguments for public surveillance.
We recently prevented our city from contracting with flock. They had a city council meeting that was 50:1 opposed.
Uh if the cameras are in public, they have no expectation of privacy, right?
Projection, or machiavellianism.
Sucks to go see a band you love and be disappointed. Hope your next show is better!
You aren’t exactly wrong in your first two quote-responses, I will give you that. “The Left” commonly answers the second with an idea called ‘eternal revolution’. The idea being that we cannot stop improving, or become so lazy in our ways that we begin to ossify into a form over function society.
I urge you to read the letter. It will raise your consciousness a hundred times more than any conversation you’ll have on Lemmy today.
Almost all of them. Live music is one of the greatest things to experience.
But only in a kind of theoretical sense. They think the status quo is best for everyone, but it’s really only best for them. What is a more centrist sentiment than “our system may not be perfect, but it’s the best there is”? See Dr. King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” for an eloquent condemnation of “moderates”.
Centrists want the status quo, yes, but mostly just for themselves. This is why fascism starts with minority groups. Centrists will accept fascists “coming for the” communists/trans/migrants/etc, since it mostly isn’t effecting their status quo.
Protests aren’t always for the “benefit” of nonparticipants, as much as for those taking part. Being surrounded by people with the same concerns as you who are also willing to take some kind of action is very heartening. Not only does it bring joy to people who may otherwise feel powerless or overwhelmed, it presents opportunities for making connections for further organizing.
Without public protests, you may have a lot of individuals that believe they are alone in their outrage. Feeling this, nobody will ever act and so be defeated without ever fighting at all.
Most of us have hands. This is just a sex toy. The novelty of it being shaped like a whole-ass woman will soon wear off and turn into the same self loathing.
Maybe some men like the idea, but I bet most of them would soon find the experience less fulfilling than they had hoped.
I’m saying Taiwan was able to develop its niche due to its strategic (geographic) interest to the US, not the other way around. China has raised millions out of poverty via cheap labor, yes. However, the reason is that its size allows it to maintain ownership of the profits, which are reinvested in China.
There are exceptions of course, but they are often less about “finding a niche”, and more about politics. Taiwan is an important client state of the US for geopolitical strategy. Such relationships can include more favorable trade deals. I don’t know much about Singapore except that that it’s all about the finance “industry”. Seems like it’s the place where Eastern and Western billionaires can make financial transactions with each other.
“Free trade” means big countries dominating smaller ones. In what way can a small Caribbean nation compete with the US for example? Say they have a self sustaining economy. They have farms to feed their people, and textile mills to clothe them. Free trade opens their markets up, and they are quickly overwhelmed by the mega corps and their economies of scale. Now local industry is driven out of business or subsumed by foreign competitors. Maybe tourism? Multinationals buy up all the hotels, beaches and restaurants. Locals get minimum wage jobs serving and cleaning. Any attempt at “protectionism” incurs penalties under the free trade agreements.
Brave evangelists in shambles.