gnome user getting confused by customization, seems about right lol.
trans girl who loves girls, banjo, linux, nerd shit, and my dog <3 but i despise capitalism, bigots, and bad vibes.
please dm me on matrix (im desperate for attention) or dont, im not your mom.
gnome user getting confused by customization, seems about right lol.
I don’t get how everybody is coming in here saying it breaks the rules and belongs in support, this is not a support question, it’s simply asking if others users have the same experience, or to share their own, that by definition is not support, it’s feedback.
convenient of you to leave out this message
so we just all buy guns and fend for ourselves? we need communities in order to fight fascism, we need to be able to organize and share valuable information with people. is technology the answer to the problem? no its not, but it is part of the answer, and to ignore that is shortsighted.
probably some instance im not federated with and have no idea exists, thanks ada <3
admin makes a post saying they will enforce the rules around banning people who refuse to use neo pronouns, in a meta community for trans people, and every cis loser has to jump in and play the victim when they get banned for breaking the rules in the post was made to say the rules would be enforced. cry harder.
yeah i have a friend, they only play the same 3 games, web browse, and talk to a like 2 people on discord. they could easily move over to linux/matrix and never notice the difference, i have offered to help them several times, but they just dont wanna do something different. they know how their computer works already, why change it? i argue that there really isnt much of a change, but its enough to completely dissuade them.
gloves are a thing right?