If I wanted to be reminded of how depressing everything and myself is, I’d look in a mirror with the front page news. I don’t need a Marvin.
He is funny as a character, and Adams understood that.
I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.
If I wanted to be reminded of how depressing everything and myself is, I’d look in a mirror with the front page news. I don’t need a Marvin.
He is funny as a character, and Adams understood that.
Considering Heinlein had a lot of sympathy/support for fascism, it makes sense Musk would be a fan.
He was fine for the episode/his role but I would not have liked Season 3 onwards as much if they kept the same actor.
I’m glad they swapped actors, Robert is Kryten to me.
Kryten is one of the few robots in Sci-Fi I would fully trust to never take over the world. Even Data has had more than one “something is up with my programming, I’m going to assume control.”
I never understand why we keep voting for it each election, but more:
You know why. Biden, like all presidents, doesn’t care about the actual heroes (Snowden, Manning, Luigi) and cares about people would make heroes required.
That law still pisses me off. I heard that it got a court check because of a clause in the amendment required a 7/8ths majorty vote in both the Senate and Assembly, but I don’t recall if the judge ruled to keep it or abolish it.
California can be such a great state, but sometimes we vote for the dumbest shit because companies lobbied for ads that make no sense but to the dumbest voter. The most recent set of props come to mind.
This is… a weird gotcha. “You claim to be aginast murder, but sometimes you like to order Taco Bell! Checkmate, progressives!”
I personally voted for Harris despite being in California, but I can’t afford doordash for going out. It’s often:
Meanwhile I can often walk to there and put in my order in the same amount of time. It’s often even cheaper to take the bus someplace, then take the bus back. Doordash makes more sense in an urban area, but I don’t live in one. And when I am in one, I’m often with a friend who knows how to drive.
And his love of Ronald Reagan, his love of libertarian capitalism, his love of noted racist Ayn Rand’s work, and constant sexism towards women in almost every novel.
Like every Sci-Fi writer has their issues, but Heinlein is far from any form of progressive.
No but it abandons plot for gratoius sex scenes with a Jesus figure where all women find him hot, so it’s not exactly the best thing for “Hey abandon the patriarchy.”