Unfortunately, it wont stay contained to the people who are doing it. Kids will die, across the world, because of these anti-vacs people.
Unfortunately, it wont stay contained to the people who are doing it. Kids will die, across the world, because of these anti-vacs people.
But you can make an average of 1 baby a month in 9 months with 9 woman. It’s all about proper planning and budgeting over longer periods.
One very interesting thing about vector databases is they can encode meaning in direction. So if this code points 5 units into the “bad” direction, then the text response might want to also be 5 units. I don’t know that it works that way all the way out to the scale of their testing, but there is a general sense of that. 3Blue1Brown has a great series on Neural Networks.
This particular topic is covered in https://www.3blue1brown.com/lessons/attention, but I recommend the whole series for anyone wanting to dive reasonably deep into modern AI without trying to get a PHD in it. https://www.3blue1brown.com/topics/neural-networks
Really, the guy currently in charge of trying to dismantle the US government you don’t particularly care about? Assuming you aren’t from the US, so perhaps US internal politics don’t bother you, but he is also pushing for the far right in Germany, which means he wont stop at destroying America for his own profit. The richest man in the world is currently dismantling one of the largest countries in the world should probably concern everybody in the world, at least a little.
If it works, then great. I recommend getting a kitchen sale out so you know when you need to chump it up for sure.
I’ve been trying to get better about using the full roll. I’ve taken to weighing the roll to see if I have enough. Thankfully most rolls will list the weight of the spool itself. I’ve gotten similar close results, I feel a lot better about throwing away like 2 foot of filament instead of like 20 turns. The tough part is finding prints that are so small.
My Palm Pre people. I loved that phone. It was under powered, buggy, and felt like the future.
I want a Core One, but am holding out for the kit version, which I haven’t seen anything announcing a release date. I can’t really blame them, I’m guessing 75% or more of their printers are sold prebuilt, but I enjoy getting my hands dirty and knowing exactly how my printers work.
As others have mentioned, the book knows what it is, and doesn’t over reach its ability to make the silly entertaining. It’s a popcorn action movie of a book. As boatswain mentioned, the book is simi-satire, something that Ready Player One didn’t seem to understand when it ripped it off.
Thanks for posting this. I, too, have a FreeCAD model on Printables that I was using an embedded spreadsheet for, but I never noticed the “alias” text box. That will pretty up my model so much. I’ve been doing cell number references like “B8” and it is both ugly and painful.
It’s getting a lot better. It reminds me of how Blender took off. I’ve been messing with it and just updated to 1.0. I think it has a lot of work left for casual user onboarding, but the bugs are less and the crashes less common than ever. It’s getting there. Hopefully the foundation they set with 1.0 will propel them into the future.
There are translation layers to run x86/64 code on ARM, I don’t know how easy it will be to do the same work on RISCV, but I’m guessing if the will is there, the code will follow. But I’ve yet to see a RISC-V chip that gets close to the performance if a modern ARM or x86 laptop/desktop class device, so that translation might be useful to help close gaps, but I doubt anyone is going to be doing real gaming on RISC-V this year.
On the internet, nobody knows your a baby face.