Gotta follow rules 1 and 2, of course.
Negative. I am a meat popsicle.
Gotta follow rules 1 and 2, of course.
Whose expectations? Who says we have to pay them any mind?Unless their name is on the deed, or they pay me wages, I don’t much care what they expect.
I know someone who only learned Biden had dropped out upon seeing his name was not on the (mail-in) ballot. I was a little jealous.
I follow current events, but I strive to filter out politics beyond the very top level headlines.
The proverbial hedgehog’s dilemma.
I’m old, I’ve seen Zardoz many times. ;)
Zardoz has spoken.
And how am I just now noticing ZardOZ bears similarities to a certain fictive wizard? The WiZARD of OZ
I guess I know what I am watching tonight.
Learn to recognize automatic negative thoughts.
2012 was 13 years ago. That’s a pretty long time for younger folks.
My background is in enterprise software, so that is obviously different than a desktop tool for individual use, but it informs my opinions.
In general it depends on the use (is it “production” critical, etc) as well as the update and distribution mechanisms.
I have several (mostly for windows) FOSS projects i have stopped using or just rarely update because they require too many steps to update, and/or do so too often.Or they require a reboot. Some of them prompt for an update every time I start them. Feh.
That said, if there isn’t much friction like testing cycles or manual steps to update, I want faster updates.
Most of my self-hosted stuff falls into the category of getting updates via package managers or docker. Those are often seemless and do not require manual steps.
McMaster-Carr is the 8th wonder of the world.
Most Billionaires don’t write much code.
Lol. AI has so very little to do with this. That’s only mentioned because it’s the latest bogeyman.
Trump is coming to power again, so the WSJ has to switch back to selling the idea that everything will be okay.
I havent seen it in years because of forever stamps and digital postage, but people used to actually do this to make up for a few cents postage for a heavy letter, et c. My mom is notoriously cheap though, so maybe it is just us.