• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2024


  • It’s a big problem, it drives up grid frequency, then starts to destroy devices, start fires, … In current markets, the price of electricity even goes negative at certain times (so you get paid to consume).

    It can be stored only in small amounts. The total world amount of batteries can supply germany’s consumption for about one day.

    hence there can’t be more tokens than production. I think…

    For example: I produced monday through saturday and have X coins. I want to consume on sunday, but there are no producers.

  • Generators would be rewarded with a blockchain token for the energy generated, while consumers would pay for the energy in those tokens.

    Any electricity market should take into account that production and consumption should be balanced at all times.

    If I produce today, but there’s not enough consumption of electricity, should I be rewarded with a token?

    If I want to consume tonight, spend the token I bought, but there’s not enough production, what’s the token for?

    In other words: such a token assumes infinite storage of electricity. This doesn’t reflect reality.