I started when a friend from back in uni days asked me for help on a project at his employer. A year later i went full time freelance. All by word of mouth. Going smoothly, love the freedom.
“Created” meaning stolen from labor that is undercompensated, or just outright stolen. “Destroyed” meaning the purported wealth was never real in the first place.
Creates as in a dude cooks a burger. Destroyed as in someone eats it.
No theft involved.
Under the premise that eventually this endless growth cycle
Exactly. It’s endless, so the premise is false. At a certain point they’ll just rename 100 dollar the neodollar, and it continues. It’s just bookkeeping, there’s no end.
It isn’t? It’s created and destroyed all of the time.
Eventually they’ll amass so much of the wealth that most of the lower class won’t be able to purchase anything other than essentials like food.
What’s the logic here? Someone else having a high net worth, means that you have less money?
The current situation, where those closest to the issueing party of new currency reap the biggest reward, also sounds not very usefull. Therefore I do applaud alternatives, be they not perfect.
There have always been bad books. There will always be good books. An arbitrary cutoff would only hurt myself.
It’s a big problem, it drives up grid frequency, then starts to destroy devices, start fires, … In current markets, the price of electricity even goes negative at certain times (so you get paid to consume).
It can be stored only in small amounts. The total world amount of batteries can supply germany’s consumption for about one day.
hence there can’t be more tokens than production. I think…
For example: I produced monday through saturday and have X coins. I want to consume on sunday, but there are no producers.
In any case you’ll end up with a futures market for energy trading, to coordinate the balance between production and consumption.
I just highlighted the problem of 1kWh = 1 “super duper solar coin”.
But yes, that market can be denominated in whatever way you want. Traditional currency is the status quo.
Not all blockchains work via mining
Bitcoin is the only inflation resistant currency I know of.
How does the production side work? I’ve produced monday through saturday, and want to consume on sunday. Do I gain tokens, monday through friday, proportional to the expected production on sunday?
Then I buy the tokens when they’re cheap, hold on to them, and spend them later when they’re expensive?
Consumer level maybe, depends on the contract between you and your utility provider. Wholesale it’s a different price every quarter hour (at least here in EU), with most power traded as future contracts (so the generating parties know in advance how much to produce).
A stereotype personified
Ignore what politicians say, look at what they do.
Generators would be rewarded with a blockchain token for the energy generated, while consumers would pay for the energy in those tokens.
Any electricity market should take into account that production and consumption should be balanced at all times.
If I produce today, but there’s not enough consumption of electricity, should I be rewarded with a token?
If I want to consume tonight, spend the token I bought, but there’s not enough production, what’s the token for?
In other words: such a token assumes infinite storage of electricity. This doesn’t reflect reality.
Forgot about Ken M. Thanks for reminding me. Good memories.
A wide necked piss jar.