Pet detective was my favorite movie growing up, now I try to forget it exists. Most movies haven’t aged well in terms of casual bigotry of all flavors. Yet they still hold value, some more than others. It’s just important to remember they were products of their time. Which makes them good measuring sticks for how audiences have changed. Sometimes the real joke is what I used to find funny as a kid.
As my favorite philosopher, Natalie Wynn, said
As a disabled, trans, vegan, anarchist my life and beliefs are far more complicated than I could express in a comment section. So I tend not to lead with any of those labels and instead focus on quippy one liners about personal liberty from goverment or religious institutions.
No random person wants to read my nuanced memoirs, but they will read and remember pithy snark. I’m an anarchist that sounds like a libertarian fool, but it’s the language that more people in mixed company relate to.