all paths are practical and actionable, if you take action. but thats a you issue not a me or others issue. someone recently showed you a path to take that is effective and simple to do on your own. you’re just not willing to consider it.
all paths are practical and actionable, if you take action. but thats a you issue not a me or others issue. someone recently showed you a path to take that is effective and simple to do on your own. you’re just not willing to consider it.
as i said you’re not willing to consider them as clearly demonstrated by trying to push the responsibility for these issues onto others.
there are paths you’re just not willing to consider them.
I actually dont. you’re all just dense on what I’m telling you. congrats the EU has implemented a patch that still will not prevent the issue from occurring. putting more red tape in the way of slapp lawsuits won’t prevent them, just make them more expensive. which was never the problem in the first place, since you know, wealthy people are the ones driving them.
secondly, I was using slapp lawsuits were an example of the fundamental problem with using the legal system to address issues.
Stop assuming the rest of the world’s governments are as evil and useless as in the US before making unfounded accusations
never made a single accusation. project much? I said the law will have a chilling effect on innovation. which is perfectly okay its a god damn power cord.
you’re the ones who have decided that I’m spouting nonsense and that it doesnt apply in your region despite me literally handing you the evidence that:
finally I actually think the EU has been doing good fucking work on holding companies to account. however it doesnt mean we have to ignore the potential side effects and dismiss them.
lol. well I dont live in the EU thats true. seems like you’re the misinformed one. its pretty common for ‘electricity usage’ and ‘delivery’ to be separated. hence my question. dont worry if you struggle understanding your bill we can help if you want.
*state dependent. ;)
Are you sure its the actual cost of the electricity or the fact that many other costs are often bundled into your bill?
dont even need the port forwarding to torrent just get a client that supports network tunnelling.
I literally said the environments are different. please read. What my entire point is about is that these problems are systemic and unsolvable due to human nature. SLAPPs were just a single example of the systemic issue. The primary way (IIRC) the EU addressed SLAPPs is by allowing for financial recovery for the defendant from the accuser after winning the case, this is only useful if the defendant can actually afford to run the trial to completion.
You literally cannot have a legal system that prevents the point I’m making because if you did you’d have a legal system that prevents redressing actual harm, which is fundamentally the point of a functioning legal system.
Any system that presupposes no harm is being done and rejects cases out of hand will result in unaddressed harms. Any system that actually prevents harm must have a way for a party to prove their position of harm being done. Any system that allows for a party to prove their position of harm inherently allows for the system to be abused by parties who can sink money into forcing discovery, etc.
These are just facts about the legal system that literally cannot be avoided no matter how much you try to hand wave them away with nonsense about ‘standing’ or trying to assert one geopolitical area vs another.
Either you have a legal system that allows for redressing harm or you have a legal system that is for punishment and protecting the state (i.e. were sovereign immunity comes from).
Since ostensibly both judicial systems in this conversation allow for a discovery phase, which often is incredibly expensive for the defending party, my original point stands that these types of laws can be abused to financially drain competition.
Again I have nothing against this law in particular beyond the problems inherent in such a policy. which in this case are minor and would not prevent me from supporting it in general; but we should be aware of the harm potential.
you could “sue” for any reason just to waste everyone’s time and money.
this is literally what happens today, all the fing time. examples of it as a legal strategy appear all over the place.
I’ve addressed the ‘standing’ nonsense in plenty of places. standing isn’t a thing that is set in stone. examples of lack of standing cases going to court and case that should have standing being denied are everywhere. you just need to find a willing judge either ideologically or bribable.
off the top of my head: student loan relief was challenged by companies who managed the payments process as contractors for the government, widely agreed upon by legal experts to not actually have standing. cases involving abortion being tossed out due to lack of standing due to the birth or death of the fetus. Obviously US examples, but if i bothered looking into the EU id find examples there too.
tell me you’ve never interacted or looked into the legal system without telling me you never interacted with or looked into how the legal system works.
the lawsuits don’t need to be reasonable just make filing the suit and then dragging it out as much as possible is effective enough.
Don’t get me wrong I like the standardization towards USB-C. but ignoring the implications of laws like this and how they can be abused is silly.
uh huh and when the company is sued into oblivion proving their tech is better then what? the problem with laws like this (and I generally support it) is that they give bad actors ways to club others to stifle competition.
No, I just have no interest in dicussing a topic like this with a random on the internet where it won’t matter. very different. enjoy your day time being ineffectual.