Extinct in less than 20 years.
Extinct in less than 20 years.
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Couple of tips for working with toner:
Wear a mask and gloves. You do not want to breathe that. Last time I worked with toner the material safety data sheet read “Contents partially unknown.”
If you get it on you (and you will) brush off most of what you can and then wash the rest in COLD water. Hot water will make it stick.
I find the trouble to be not worth the effort.
That was the weird part, it wasn’t any one specific certification, it was any 2nd certification in addition to the job related cert I already had.
If your AI is craving peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, it may be pregnant. ;)
I’d even possibly mistake it for elk.
No point, whatever post you make will be removed and the account banned.
Had the same conversation with my boss, and I specifically asked him “Is this certificaton job related or is it just so someone can check a box on a spreadsheet somewhere? If it’s job related, I’m absolutely down for it, what does the new role entitle and what’s the increase in pay for it?”
Response? Silence.
People have different priorities. Someone may have just bought a $500 designer shirt, while I bought a $500 comic book. Hard to tell by looking.
People are going to be shocked to learn how many books and magazines are printed in Canada and China and imported.
If your perspective is “doing good = personal gain”, then you’re doing it wrong.
You do good because it benefits other people, not you.
I set up a Little Free Library and have spent a couple hundred dollars giving away books in my community, it doesn’t benefit me, personally, but other people are enjoying it!
It’s cool, they’ll just have an AI source checker. :)
Because cell phones are a business. If not enough people buya format, it dies out.
See: Rotary phones.
Because most people don’t buy them?
It’s like asking “Man, why don’t they make slider phones anymore?” (and I loved my slider phone).
If it’s in reach working 60 hour weeks, it’s also in reach working 40 hour weeks, it will just take 1/3rd longer. ;)
R. Buckminster Fuller asked that same question as he contemplated throwing himself into Lake Michigan. He was broke, in debt, jobless with a wife and small family.
The only thing he REALLY had was life insurance, which made him worth more dead than alive.
His experience is worth reading:
tl;dr - He made a wager with himself that there was some larger purpose to his life. He went on to hold 28 patents and became the inventor of the Geodesic Dome. Bucky Balls are named after him.
Looking up Vuva, they sell neodymium magnet embedded dildos. I can’t speak to the medical efficacy, I’m just saying what they look like.
Somehow Amazon doesn’t like that but is OK with actual dildos?
AI written you think? Looks more like the whole article exists to promote the casino, not that the ad was inserted.
Look at you, speakin’ French and stuff! /s