DIdnt work out so great for Snowden either.
DIdnt work out so great for Snowden either.
I suspect a lot of people thought everything would go back to 2016 if Trump won. There would be a big “resistance” movement and they could be important players in it. The small time ones like these guys thought they would get lots of attention and could push their own accelerationist agenda, and the bigger ones like CNN, WaPo and NYT thought they would go back to making lots of money on subscriptions and ad sales.
Now you cant help but believe you deserve this hellish existence you brought on yourself.
You are ascribing a lot of human reasoning and emotion to corporate entities they they just dont have. Gratitude is not part of their decision making process. Instead, they might attempt to use past behavior to predict future behavior when evaluating an outlet for their marketing budget. They arnt going to prefer an outlet that occasionally burns advertisers, even if the benefited from it once.