He’s not something that was gestated or birthed, thus is not a person. You can say an android is different, but regardless he’s not human or living. He’s a fancy thinking robot. Wanda basically fell in love with an LLM with an attached vibrator.
Some dirtbag that shouldn’t have bred.
He’s not something that was gestated or birthed, thus is not a person. You can say an android is different, but regardless he’s not human or living. He’s a fancy thinking robot. Wanda basically fell in love with an LLM with an attached vibrator.
I dunno, everyone was cool with the love story of Wanda & The Vision from the MCU. I guess fucking robots is not ok, but becoming emotionally attached to one is?
Tigers hunt bears. The only bears tigers don’t hunt are polar bears. It’s not deep research.
Pretty sure a brown bear would destroy a lion
That’s what makes the show awesome. I want it even more ludicrous.
I would have totally assumed they were all dudes.
A lot of Acts of God can happen.
I was thinking more like Air Force 1 & 2 expericing an act of God that brings them both together to meeting the Maker.
We can only hope
I want a The Magicians video game, or movie, or another show set in the same universe.
Oh ok, they’re cool with it. The OP made it seem like they’re annoyed by it.
😕 be more creative with your insults
Why do people want to go where they aren’t welcome though? I know it’s downright American af, but still.
Highly original.
Yeah, the intrusive infestation I mentioned before.
You guys have your PCs’ backs to a wall? I’ve always put it away from the wall.
Not really talking about the guns part. More the working out, the team building, the discipline. When I did basic training we only had like 1 or 2 days for training with guns. I was in the navy tho.
Games did teach me about diminishing returns though