If you read this you will never trust anything again. If you aee not familiar with him that is Ken Thompson one of the father’s of Unix.
If you read this you will never trust anything again. If you aee not familiar with him that is Ken Thompson one of the father’s of Unix.
Its why they call it a vain not what it really is a poop tube in shrimp
It’s important to remember when they say US intelligence is also the combined intelligence of US allies with intelligence sharing agreements. Whenever things were working before it was all blown up the intelligence worked so well because NATO+ block worked as a unit. That’s why it was so important for Putin to deploy his operative to blowing up that alliance.
I kind of think of it like big give a penny take a penny tray.
Read about the Southern Strategy and you will realize it’s the same people that just switched sides.
Yeah the company I work for is unlimited pto and it’s the UK so i can deduct my UK tax from my usa tax. The weird part of not having an uk income. But die to having dual citizenship i don’t need to show an income for immigration.
This is 100% correct but it’s good as I got older it’s the characters that make it interesting so the mystery is just a bonus.
What’s next, fucking frogs. Hasa Diga Eebowai 😩
If I have a remote job in the US but also have dual citizenship with the country I’m moving to do I still have to pay taxes on that income or does my employer have to do anything for my move.
Yes but for me it was 1998. There was so much hope the internet was coming into it’s own web 1 was peaking. PC gaming was unreal. Diablo , half life , quake 2 were in heavy rotation. Online was fresh and new. Heat.net was such a cool place to dial into. The world had its problems but being able to communicate across borders was ment to heal the world’s problems. This was before the internet got centralized and the powerful could use it as weapon.
Smashed pennies
I would think he would want to have anyone that can to donate blood
I would say there is two things at play here one is that you should have is simplifying the compliance requirements to make fraud easier to detect. Like for example in the US for disability if you have more than 2k in your bank account you lose disability.
All these requirements were created to show that a government will offer welfare when they really don’t want to. If we just said if you make less than X you get help. It would be simple math and a SQL query to check for fraud. At the same time having a fraud team in that looks at businesses doing the fraud would be better served like with the US Medicaid fraud that dwarfs any fraud coming from individuals.
Yeah me too if nothing else I tag people on here if nothing else maybe find a few penpals.
Yeah BTRFS subvolume works the same just don’t wipe your home subvolume and all your configs are safe. I’m sure about that distro I would use locate on your home directory as it has to be in your home directory somewhere if not your config would jump to other users if it didn’t
It’s in your home directory check under .config that’s where it’s supposed to be. Also if you keep your home directory on a separate partion you can reinstall without losing any configurations of your applications in most cases
Thanks it’s not all bad I have had a few surgeries to remove lymph nodes and I got a cool scar out of it. Makes me look like a bond villain Lol I always try to take the good out of the bad every chance is get. I will say the only down side of lemmy is the lack of support group boards like reddit had. It was always nice to talk to people with similar experiences.
I have similar health issues with an autoimmune disease. Colds turn into respiratory infections everytime and I’m always admitted to hospital. It’s sucks so I understand your pain. I know this doesn’t help but a stranger on the internet is pulling for ya to get better quick.
Your welcome but that’s the point he was making even if you build everything on your own. The backdoor would be in the compiler. So even if you built /bin/login for example he would just inject it at compile time when compiling your code. But then you asked I will just compile the compiler but you have to compile it at some point and he can inject the code back into the compiler at that point.