It’s called inflation right? Try to compare it with a cryptocurrency instead of the dollar ;P
It’s called inflation right? Try to compare it with a cryptocurrency instead of the dollar ;P
Yes it’s very much alive and very important. A lot of industries (like their products: books, movies but also games) are getting restricted, taken away, taking down and removed from other platforms. Old ROM sites are taken down. And platforms like need to remove all their books.
The problem is, that there is nobody archiving anymore… because it’s not allowed due to “copyright infringement”. In the end, all these products like books, movies and (old) games might be gone forever. Next generations will not be able to have access to it. This is what worries me the most. And Torrent might be the only way to fix/solve it. By distributing these kind of material. Especially older books, older movies and older games.
True fact… Depending on which Asian restaurant yes.