I’ve got that sound bite stuck in my head where some dude rambles something like „you’ve got to get mad! Slam your fist on the table and scream I’m a human being goddamnit, my life has value!“ and it keeps me going.
I’ve got that sound bite stuck in my head where some dude rambles something like „you’ve got to get mad! Slam your fist on the table and scream I’m a human being goddamnit, my life has value!“ and it keeps me going.
My life has turned from dirt road into unbeaten path. I’m not sure where it’s going but keep going I must now to see where it leads.
Unpopular opinion nowadays but society needs participation to function
Im just sitting here on the sidelines in disbelief and am very afraid for the future of my own country. Someone else already said it, you wanna walk through the streets whacking people over the head with a history book.
It sure looks like my brain got the message that crippling depression is not the way anymore.