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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Can it become a global superpower without becoming “democratic”?

    Because that means a liberal western style democracy right? Where policies enacted by representatives only benefit 1% of the people? Like scientific research has shown that like 10% of laws passed actually represent the will of the vast majority of people. And 50% represent the will of the 1%.

    While in China people are constantly polled (like monthly or weekly sometimes) about their opinions, situations, desires, and then laws are formed from that. They participate in local government in councils, and directly decide how their immediate community lives.

    What even is democracy? To me it’s to have the will of the people represented in our states.

    This doesn’t happen anywhere in the west. When was the last time a government in any major western country was POPULAR. And did what people actually wanted?

    How is THAT democracy?

  • China is not easy to immigrate to, true. But saying they are monocultures or xenophobic is CRAZY.

    China has way more peoples and cultures than most countries. It has waaaay more languages officially spoken and taught in school than the US. It’s more comparable to the EU, if it had formed like a thousand years earlier.

    Just search a couple of random Chinese provinces or autonomous regions (places where minorities self-govern 😲) in like the north and the south, or the west and the east, and read on the culture and ethnicities there.

    Seriously Americans insist they have such vast cultural differences within the US, because “here we say pop and there they say soda; most people here are anabaptist, but there they are Methodists”.

    Bro in China they speak languages that are not even related. They follow religions that are separated by thousands of years. They have cultural practices that are unique to their region that developed for thousands and thousands of years.

    China is infinitely more diverse than 90% of countries in the world.

  • Hummm the “liberal world order” is 100% “countries” using arms to push their will. Countries being “the west”.

    And YOU having “human rights” is not really dependent on the “liberal world order”. Most of your rights were won by blood and tears during the late 1800s and early 1900s, through popular movements mostly ideologically aligned first with anarchism then with communism.

    Also, the vast majority of the world not having human rights and being colonized and exploited IS your “liberal world order”.

    So not really sure how you specifically benefit from western imperialism, unless you are a billionaire ofc. Which I highly doubt.