No really, I am. 😆
But I’m kinda flattered that you recognized my username.
This account still exists because I want to sort through and preserve some saved threads and other stuff.
No really, I am. 😆
But I’m kinda flattered that you recognized my username.
This account still exists because I want to sort through and preserve some saved threads and other stuff.
(different style)
Lots more options:’s_no_hate_like_christian_love_sticker
Yeah, I peeked at your moderation history after posting, it’s OK, I see now this is the best I could have expected in answer. Good day to you!
If you want to use the browser despite those controversies then that’s your choice, but be honest enough to admit they exist.
I don’t use brave and haven’t for a long time, but these things are well documented.
An actual list of the “problems everyone hopes they never have” category of our various problems is pretty long right now, and many of them are more personal than I want to share.
Shit’s not the worst it’s ever been for us currently, but financially it’s closer than my wife realizes it is (because she’s got enough to deal with right now), and (gestures around at everything Trump related) I’m figuring several of our problems are going to get worse before they get better.
I’ve got long and medium term plans to sort most of it out, but like all such plans they depend on the short term stuff going at least more or less as I hope, and on the complete collapse of US society not actually happening.
Glib sounding yet serious response in meme-form because this really is how it’s looking so far in my mid-late 50s:
OP sounds like a nice person for posting such a thread, and I hope you are doing well sir or madam. 🙂
Oh I completely agree with you. Most of these headlines are taking tiny little bumps or 3 twitter users complaining, and blowing it up into what we all want to hear right now.
I have zero anecdotal evidence that any of the magas in my sphere have any regrets whatsoever.
Honestly that just makes my point even stronger. The so-called sane conservatives are still cheering unabashedly.
Yep. Anyone who wants can check and still see nearly unanimous support for everything he’s doing.
I assume everyone knows what to replace badplace with.
They are my canary. When a few of them start to notice they’ve been had (and frankly I’m skeptical they will do so until someone they love is headed to a camp) I’ll believe there’s any substantive remorse among Trump voters.
I, for one, welcome our AI overlords.
People are right generally about billionaires.
But she’s constantly in the news doing nice things with her money. Certainly she’s doing more good with it than other billionaires I could name.
LONG article:
Maybe the answer to your question is that she already has.
Fair point, but those megacorp owned farms aren’t going to be giving it away to strikers regardless of who is doing the picking.
Which is great except for all the people not in unions, and that most heavily unionized trade jobs in the US are somehow populated with people who both stand to lose a lot from Trump’s policies and who are among his staunchest supporters.
One huge example:
Don’t sell your crops to megacorp but give it to fellow strikers for free, for example
Wait until you hear who owns most of our farms.
Let’s not forget CPAC 2022!
Nor 2021!
They got one. Now it’s just a question of whether this one will be stopped earlier in the process.
No particular drama, mostly that being a member of .ml sends a message that I’m generally not trying to send, and through no fault of anyone at .ml I just kinda got tired of having to deal with that from time to time.
edited to add - I’m also not a communist, which didn’t really seem to bother anyone at .ml, but that’s all wrapped up in the whole “unintentional messaging” thing.