In what way is Tuta’s encryption better?
In what way is Tuta’s encryption better?
Find out if your ISP provides an SMTP smarthost.
Worth noting that in Finland they are also by law required to log metadata of delivered mails.
Steve burned out a long time ago after all the free work he did on top of his day job.
Quick script to download all your Kindle ebooks.
If you know any other tools, please reply.
Reposting as a top level comment for visibility. Thanks gitamar.
How does it compare to OsmAnd?
How many years of luck increases do you need in XCOM 2 not to miss a 99 % shot?
Seriously though, do you have any good sources to read about this?
I hate the PRNG of XCOMs. For anyone suffering from that I recommend Hard West. It’s a buggy game, but the luck mechanism is interesting. Basically when missing, your luck increases, and eventually that helps you hit. So missing a good shot isn’t that bad, because you can build a strategy on it regardless.
cause and effect will always be the same
Actually no. Mostly, but some actions affect the PRNG and when loading saves they haven’t remembered to reset the effect of those, so the results can change a bit between loads. It has been a while, so I don’t remember the specifics. But you can abuse this property to get out of really tough spots by gaming the PRNG across loads.
I have probably save scummed too much.
Does it support flashing from web browser?
Sweden wants a backdoor. I hope that idiocy is shot down fast.