Certain molecules have “handedness”, and life on Earth is based around one of the two possible states.
Scientists experiment with the other handedness because there’s no reason it shouldn’t work that way around and it was just by chance that it happened the way it did on Earth.
The two forms are largely incompatible, and so no-one really knows what would happen if a wrong-handed life form was to escape the lab. Maybe nothing. Maybe really bad things.
Feel free to write your own apocalypse movie.
DuckDuckGo currently provides free access to four different LLMs. They say they don’t store user conversations, but I’m not sure I trust that, or that that won’t change at some point even if they don’t right now.
Most of them have the strawberry problem (or some variant where that word is explicitly patched(?)), fail basic arithmetic and apologise repeatedly and often without being able to better themselves when mistakes are pointed out. Standard LLM fare for 2024/5.