Ok, I’ll look into what quality my HDMI cable is, thanks :)
Ok, I’ll look into what quality my HDMI cable is, thanks :)
I see, I am using gnome.
The refresh rate is 59.12
I don’t know what quality the cable is, however considering the image quality is fine at that resolution with the default drivers makes me suspect that the cable is not the problem.
Is there something about OnePlus that I don’t know? I care about my privacy but have a OnePlus phone, so genuinely would appreciate some education if I’ve missed something.
Secondly, are there alternative android phones with better privacy reputations?
I don’t really understand the solution there, how do I apply that flag? How do I even know if I’m using plasma?
Eventually the entire screen is flickering and flashing, but I can’t upload a video.
Weirdly xrandr doesn’t list 3840x1080 as an option, even though the display settings do (and it works fine at that resolution with the default driver).
It does seem pretty stable at 2560x1080, but it looks horrendous, stretched horizontally.
Just to confirm too, I’ve reinstalled the drivers and had it on the desktop for a while, the issue is very clear (I’ve uploaded some photos) but the GPU temperature is at 50°C.
Unfortunately, I cannot change the refresh rate, it’s the same as with the default driver: 59.12.
It does go away on lower resolutions, which is interesting but none of the lower resolutions are a good ratio for my monitor.
Here are some photos:
Thanks for the reply, but no, it’s at all times on the ultrawide monitor, even just sitting on the desktop
What are we describing when saying a square banana?
In good faith I understand this as: the square of it’s length.
But I prefer to interpret it as, a banana squashed until it is 1atom thin and shaped in a square (which to my imagination, is an enormous square)
This is a fun game
Thank you! This traumatized me as a child, my dad used to have to fast forward that part because it was so upsetting for me.
The wizards series of the discworld books are by far my favourite, but for exactly the reason you’ve set out. (Similarly with the witches)
The dialogue between the faculty is so believable and so stupifyingly inane and political that it’s hard to say that anything is more probable.
Anyone actually interested in how magic works gets ignored and all that really matters is where the next good meal is coming from.
Just one of the countless reasons that Terry pratchett is a gem of an author.