Easily some of the best I’ve ever had. Recently visited their factory store in Amsterdam and stocked up (it is insanely expensive where I live, so it is definitely a special occasion bar).
The white chocolate with raspberry popping sugar is 🔥
Easily some of the best I’ve ever had. Recently visited their factory store in Amsterdam and stocked up (it is insanely expensive where I live, so it is definitely a special occasion bar).
The white chocolate with raspberry popping sugar is 🔥
Hate to say it, but yes it is…
Jan 1, 2030 is 1,825 days away from today, Jan 2, 2025.
The first cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan were late November 2019 (about 1,870 days ago), with the first confirmed case in the US on Jan 19, 2020 (1,810 days ago).