• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • XDG_DIR, Portals, Secrets, D-Bus, the Desktop file spec, Appstream… are there for you to read. 🥰

    Standard compliance is a total mess in the world of linux desktop apps. My pet peeve is that $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR should point to a customizeable tmpfs that apps can use to store temporary data. But just TRY setting to anything else besides /run/user/1000 lol. Half your apps will be broken. Even apps that are made by/for the freedesktop people (e.g. Helvum, the pipewire patchbay app) struggle with this lol. This spec came out in 2021 – three years ago – and it’s already ossified to the point of being barely useful. At this point I don’t blame devs who say “fuck it” and just dump their tempfiles into /tmp the way god dennis ritchie intended.

  • Huh, TIL

    ~ $ /bin/true --help
    Usage: /bin/true [ignored command line arguments]
      or:  /bin/true OPTION
    Exit with a status code indicating success.
          --help        display this help and exit
          --version     output version information and exit
    NOTE: your shell may have its own version of true, which usually supersedes
    the version described here.  Please refer to your shell's documentation
    for details about the options it supports.
    GNU coreutils online help: <https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/>
    Full documentation <https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/true>
    or available locally via: info '(coreutils) true invocation'

    I honestly don’t know what I prefer more, the overengineered GNU true, or the true that shipped with some older system that was literally just an empty file with the executable bit set.

  • I remember a while back, years before this surfaced, there was a thread on /g/ with a group photo of Balena’s employees and a caption like “why does it take so many people to develop an electron wrapper around dd”. Obviously it was low effort engagement bait (balena does much more than etcher), but the comments were full of people calling the company a glowie honeypot and the like. Moral of the story: Trust the schizos, they sense spyware form lightyears away.

  • I don’t want to waste time and memorize idiotic noodles of commands to do trivial shit.

    Also it’s not “unfamiliar” GUI. It’s called practical deduction.

    Can you not see how the two arguments you’re making are completely contradictory and self-defeating? Nobody is asking you to memorize “noodles of commands”. What, do you think we all have little books full of shell one-liners for every task imaginable? You just have to know a few basics: The pipe redirects data, cut splits lines of text, xargs builds up arguments raw text, etc. Put them together in whatever way you wish to accomplish the task at hand. It’s – exactly as you say – practical deduction.

  • This is such a stupid take. Gui obscures the thing that you want to do behind endless buttons and menus and some bullshit that some self-proclaimed “user experience engineer” thought would be “intuitive”. With cli it’s like you’re talking directly to the computer. Want to stop the networking service? service networking stop. Couldn’t be simpler!

    Also fun fact, Linux has a “wireless devices” tool, command line one and it uses device ID to apply it and the fucking ID changes every time for the device so you can’t make a permanent setting.

    Are you talking about rfkill? Strange, for me the ID’s don’t change. But even if they do for you, what’s stopping you from getting the ID just by grepping for the device name? Something like rfkill list | grep YOUR_DEVICE_NAME | cut -d ':' -f 1 | xargs rfkill block.