It’s load bearing
Cis white bisexual guy from Ukraine. That should about cover it.
It’s load bearing
You call it procrastination. I call it automation. If the work is done on its own, the boss doesn’t need to know about that, as long as I’m submitting time reports regularly.
You should have performed in Bratislava! People would buy tickets just for the pun value.
“Brat” is “brother” and “slava” is “glory”, so kinda, yeah
I still have the old matrix shower, works just fine! Don’t mind the burns on my back
But not all shows or movies are 100% realistic. That’s not how art works. It’s supposed to evoke certain emotions, by design. Not everything you watch is intended to be a documentary.
The examples you’ve described are sound design done poorly, which is the opposite of what I referred to.
Which is why I specified good soundtrack, not the concept of it in general. Visuals can also give away plot twists, when done wrong.
By that logic, characters’ clothing or shot background are ways to tell you how you should feel. Good soundtrack is a part of the media, not a forced reaction.
I will take my thrashing with humility
“The originator” associates in my mind with Chaos from the Hades games more than with Abrahamic God, which is arguably cooler.
So… let’s appease the aggressor, yeah? By that logic, every war ever should have ended instantly by the defending side surrendering.
Yes, I’m “blaming the guy who started it” because he’s also the guy who can end it. Putin can literally end the war with one order. But he will not, because he’s not looking for a peace deal. He’s looking for annihilation, and that has been the case since before 2022.
Your victim blaming logic must have required some astonishing mental gymnastics to pull through. It must be quite comforting to live in the world where you can stop wars by just asking the people who are launching missiles at your cities to pretty please stop.
I’ve got to diamond yesterday, thank you very much. I might drop right back down today, but, for now, I’m on my peak.
Seeing as you’re against military conflicts (all of which are pointless and horrifying, on that I agree), maybe that anger should be directed against the person who actually started the full scale invasion. Unless you’re implying that Zelenskyy “escalated” the war by not immediately surrendering to Putin.
Those seem to be quite loaded questions.
I myself would be neither for nor against Zelenskyy, if it was peace time. Normally, there would have been elections last year, so there would be a non zero chance we would have had a different president already, if not for the war. But, since that’s legally not possible right now, here we are, and I’m not about to go protest in the streets demanding to have elections as soon as possible.
That said, I am very much against being occupied and invaded. While also not willing to be drafted myself, since I know I would be quite useless on the battlefield. So the best I can do right now (to help in the war, that is) is to keep donating money for the equipment for our army.
I recognize I’m being hypocritical, since I wish to be protected without having the resolve to enlist myself. But I also recognize that, were I to enlist, my value in actually protecting Ukrainian lives would be very low.
I feel personally attacked
Ah yes, because clearly Zelenskyy is solely to blame for the current state of Ukraine. I guess he’s mind controlling half of the world leaders simultaneously and playing 5D chess with everyone.
One would think you’re his biggest fan the way you’re giving him credit for everything that’s happening in the world.
I think it might be part that and part the fact that the war happened in the first place. Like, before the full scale invasion, he really wasn’t that remarkable. But I guess sometimes hard times do actually make strong men.
To be fair, we have a former actor and comedian as the president. The difference is he isn’t a fascist piece of human garbage, not so much in the career paths.
The rail transport is always the safest option, barring staying at home in the first place.
It just keeps growing back!