“cootie catcher programming” … ?
“cootie catcher programming” … ?
Eugenics can sound pretty appealing until you take a moment to really think about it and aren’t the type to just be okay with whatever suffering you may cause in the name of the “greater good”.
And making it illegal to have children with close relatives is a form of eugenics, i.e. it’s still practiced and widely accepted in most western countries.
They do it like that in many european countries.
Hydration is probably still a good start. Helps your organs (including kidneys) do their jobs.
My assumption was that it’s related to histamines (which would explain why I do badly with both beer and wine), but might as well try your suggestion.
I don’t do great with beer or wine, increases my digestive issues. Otherwise I’d totally try my hand at an English bitter or something like that, British beers are nearly impossible to get here (at best pale ales or IPAs, which I hate) and I don’t like the local styles.
That reminds me of the box of half-broken Game Boys from back when I got really into chiptune … I kinda get backpain from soldering, though, any tips on that? Other than “go see a doctor”, of course.
Man I wish home distilling wasn’t illegal as fuck where I live …
I also propagate houseplants and gift them to friends, family and colleagues. Since they’re so easy to propagate it’s almost no effort.
Neat gift idea! I do have this hardy as fuck spiderplant that keeps multiplying instead of dying like most of my other plants …
Oh yeah, Scotland did (does?) have high numbers of drug deaths … does Glasgow really suck that much?
“Cocktail” is more specific. Originally, it was identical with what’s now called an Old Fashioned, i.e. spirit, sugar, bitters and water/ice. Later the term started including other alcoholic drinks like sours, martini etc.; I’ve seen people claim in discussions that’s it’s down to the amount of ingredients (e.g. a Rum & Coke is not a cocktail, but rum, cola and lime (Cuba Libre) might be) or a specific care exercized in preparation, but I think it’s ultimately arbitrary.
Anyway, one of my favourite drinks is the Twice Up (whisky and water mixed 1:1, works great with many other spirits). Hard to call this a cocktail, considering adding water to whisky is just a completely normal way of drinking whisky in Scotland. The Scots just pour the water freehand instead of measuring an exact amount.
I got really into cocktails a few years ago (or “mixed drinks”, if you want to be more technically correct). No way I’d be able to keep up at a real bar, even if I probably know more cocktails than many of the bartenders I’ve personally interacted with (TBF I haven’t been to a bar since I really got into cocktails, and before I got into it I just went wherever it was cheap). Fixing drinks is at best half of the job anyway, and I’m rubbish at the people stuff.
USA isn’t Europe.
Being conquered is nasty business, too. Ask the inhabitants of Bucha if you find any.
If Europeans don’t make weapons of war, someone will eventually conquer them.
And y’know, we have yet to see open, full-scale war between atomic powers. Nuclear deterrence seems to work (for now).
About 8-20 mm give or take. Any longer would look bad due to male pattern balding (I should probably go even shorter).
Not particularly happy with it, but toupés/wigs or shaving it off completely seem like a pain and I’m definitely not going on medication or doing surgery just for longer hair.
Count yourself lucky if a single guy has separate towels for handwashing and showering/bathing.
That sounds awesome! How do you keep it from becoming a soggy mess? I’m already struggling to make it keep its shape with just uncooked vegetables and meat …
It does look pretty messy when I make it, so that’s definitely true! Making it look professional is a high art, especially at speed.
It’s also a great way to trick myself into eating more vegetables (don’t tell the sushi purists).
I believe that gender is a spectrum and there’s more than two of them
Many bisexuals read “bi” as “homosexual + heterosexual”, where heterosexual includes all genders other than your own.
I’d assume that most governments (other than the US) don’t have easy access even if E2EE in WhatsApp etc. is a sham - these companies are definitely intent on keeping the pretense up, and smaller countries aren’t able to disprove it.