Elon Musk is gay!
Elon Musk is gay!
I feel like you’re putting it down, but for the life of me, I am not picking it up. Can you please try explaining again, but slower? Use simple words. Like I’m stupid or something.
We had a fresh CS graduate who could only function with ChatGPT. He gave up thinking completely, ChatGPT whatever-latest-model was his thing. He was always arguing with us that the AI told him to do it this way or another. He could not take input from folks with two decades plus of experience during review. He bragged that AI would replace us all in a year. He did not last two months with us - my boss cut him loose after lots of bugs and hideous refactorings. He was more of a drag on the team than any help. Don’t become that guy.
I was referencing articles doing the opposite of what you’ve done, then.
I was referencing the lengthy screeds against systemd that appear on the internet - those do not strike me as being productive for learning systemd - they appear to me to be justifications against trying to learn the thing. Is this the style of writing that has helped you or were you unaware of what I was referencing?
Orwell, the user, is a supervisord pleb that already understands the limitations of sysinit but their inability to read some man pages results in them writing a long-ass book instead.
It’s Not Unusual